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Current flyer Foodland - Valid from 08.09 to 14.09 - Page nb 3

Flyer Foodland 08.09.2022 - 14.09.2022

Products in this flyer

PRODUCT OF ONTARIO COMPLIMENTS Russet, White or Yellow Potatoes Canada 27 ki LOCAL Cred Prin Suu ies 99 ae Lasagna or Mac N’Cheese 1 kg COMPLIMENTS: Shredded Cheese Asiago, Three 9 9 se Blend or Parmesan ee 99 nee Goat Cheese Logs 349 conte Hummus Snacks 3/498 |i Frozen Entrées 4 2187 be — Iced Tea or Lemonade 2.84 10°? bs an COMPLIMENTS Cabbage Rolls 9 4/ $5 y a 29°F COMPLIMENTS Pita 250-450 g COMPLIMENTS COMPLIMENTS Colestaw produ COMPLIMENTS Garden Salad produ of USA 340 9 Pumpkin Pie 9¢ 3 COMPLIMENTS Cottage Cheese COMPLIMENTS Riced Cauliflower 3.4¢ 7 COMPLIMENTS Canned Vegetables 34 COMPLIMENTS Potato Chips or Extraaat Flavour Chips 20% COMPLIMENTS Foil Wrap 25 ft 499 5/ $5 COMPL NTS Snacking Mixes a | = COMPLIMENTS Cheese 270 g a COMPLIMENTS Sparkling or Fizzy Wate COMPLIMENTS. Chewy Chocolate Chip Granola Bars 48 ph i

Latest flyers

PRODUCT OF ONTARIO COMPLIMENTS Russet, White or Yellow Potatoes Canada 27 ki LOCAL Cred Prin Suu ies 99 ae Lasagna or Mac N’Cheese 1 kg COMPLIMENTS: Shredded Cheese Asiago, Three 9 9 se Blend or Parmesan ee 99 nee Goat Cheese Logs 349 conte Hummus Snacks 3/498 |i Frozen Entrées 4 2187 be — Iced Tea or Lemonade 2.84 10°? bs an COMPLIMENTS Cabbage Rolls 9 4/ $5 y a 29°F COMPLIMENTS Pita 250-450 g COMPLIMENTS COMPLIMENTS Colestaw produ COMPLIMENTS Garden Salad produ of USA 340 9 Pumpkin Pie 9¢ 3 COMPLIMENTS Cottage Cheese COMPLIMENTS Riced Cauliflower 3.4¢ 7 COMPLIMENTS Canned Vegetables 34 COMPLIMENTS Potato Chips or Extraaat Flavour Chips 20% COMPLIMENTS Foil Wrap 25 ft 499 5/ $5 COMPL NTS Snacking Mixes a | = COMPLIMENTS Cheese 270 g a COMPLIMENTS Sparkling or Fizzy Wate COMPLIMENTS. Chewy Chocolate Chip Granola Bars 48 ph i

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