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Current flyer Independent - Valid from 01.09 to 07.09 - Page nb 6

Flyer Independent 01.09.2022 - 07.09.2022

Products in this flyer

leanjground beef, PC" Free From) i= familys ze ~ split chicken wings: Lin 7S} tips removed, 4) WO CAE Ta air chilled 7 : Club Pack’ ( ‘ 12.10/kg A S { mein xs ee 49 . Ihy made in-Stor re chicken legs . , us back attached selected family size 7 15.41lke © = nwsine Ke aera less than 2 PUB . $7399¢a. ecrtn STRIP y PC" Vermont-Style PC’ Pub Recipe™ Geebasaronay <= PC*horsd'oeuvres maple flavour chicken ee = selected varictic 3 extra lean selected varieties =, —— frozen neless ham frozen 360-800 ¢ 800 g 600/701 sgcseeiva saunas TA i nous anes , PUB o a 1 x IX . 4” : Fa fresh MSC Icelandic PC" Pacific large PC*Grillingraw - . white shrimp — shrimp skewers haddock or cod fillets cooked or raw selected varieties r i 33.05/kg peeled 31-40 as frozen a tem manne te per Ib 400 g or 360 g GRILLING, shrimp burgers * drama ARIE EA a 452 g frozen URS ae * “"KGRILLER 29508) ARAN A ro 3°: ep 4” premium bagel 7 ~ F two-bite’ cupcakes) = selected vanes chocolate or vanilla’ 6s eva £A nena cai ta , it 7 a a 4 © 3M 09. be r. The Mix and Match deal PC" pi is only applicable for ee cereties 7 \ bread, buns, bagels, 300/440 g F English muffins & tortilfg wraps from the followil brands: Wonder, Country Harvest and D'Italiano 2a KAreoree poses EATRIONESS EA

Latest flyers

leanjground beef, PC" Free From) i= familys ze ~ split chicken wings: Lin 7S} tips removed, 4) WO CAE Ta air chilled 7 : Club Pack’ ( ‘ 12.10/kg A S { mein xs ee 49 . Ihy made in-Stor re chicken legs . , us back attached selected family size 7 15.41lke © = nwsine Ke aera less than 2 PUB . $7399¢a. ecrtn STRIP y PC" Vermont-Style PC’ Pub Recipe™ Geebasaronay <= PC*horsd'oeuvres maple flavour chicken ee = selected varictic 3 extra lean selected varieties =, —— frozen neless ham frozen 360-800 ¢ 800 g 600/701 sgcseeiva saunas TA i nous anes , PUB o a 1 x IX . 4” : Fa fresh MSC Icelandic PC" Pacific large PC*Grillingraw - . white shrimp — shrimp skewers haddock or cod fillets cooked or raw selected varieties r i 33.05/kg peeled 31-40 as frozen a tem manne te per Ib 400 g or 360 g GRILLING, shrimp burgers * drama ARIE EA a 452 g frozen URS ae * “"KGRILLER 29508) ARAN A ro 3°: ep 4” premium bagel 7 ~ F two-bite’ cupcakes) = selected vanes chocolate or vanilla’ 6s eva £A nena cai ta , it 7 a a 4 © 3M 09. be r. The Mix and Match deal PC" pi is only applicable for ee cereties 7 \ bread, buns, bagels, 300/440 g F English muffins & tortilfg wraps from the followil brands: Wonder, Country Harvest and D'Italiano 2a KAreoree poses EATRIONESS EA

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