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Current flyer Metro - Valid from 08.09 to 14.09 - Page nb 3

Flyer Metro 08.09.2022 - 14.09.2022

Products in this flyer

As Wd ROA DISHES eR gt) No CP ae > P i NS x at = . Pe ieee ee FOR THE OR pais ee ee (= ew) FOUR TOPPING PIZZAS y oe. Sa EI MLL CE s " : sla a classic recipe CTC Tae Unc sy ‘. SAVE $5. 00 | att gay Offer Available September 8 - September 25th, 2022 ai ae a % ON ALL METRO ORDERS OVER $20 Download the SkipTheDishes App ed ead) tg App Store >» ereren tole

Latest flyers

As Wd ROA DISHES eR gt) No CP ae > P i NS x at = . Pe ieee ee FOR THE OR pais ee ee (= ew) FOUR TOPPING PIZZAS y oe. Sa EI MLL CE s " : sla a classic recipe CTC Tae Unc sy ‘. SAVE $5. 00 | att gay Offer Available September 8 - September 25th, 2022 ai ae a % ON ALL METRO ORDERS OVER $20 Download the SkipTheDishes App ed ead) tg App Store >» ereren tole

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