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Current flyer Real Canadian Superstore - Valid from 08.09 to 14.09 - Page nb 6

Flyer Real Canadian Superstore 08.09.2022 - 14.09.2022

Products in this flyer

FRUIT & VEG Cw CC ei) eet VC -} % AV E for real with PC Optimum”, | Club Size, Ad Match and is re) R PP mile MT ee Re Bey ML RU Eg ello Pree (cle fe SUC Rileag te ele 7 Meer Rie Pen ua ey optimum. Cait utiiicy Da an ee Ec ict ele ig oe WHEN YOU SPEND E : LOAD TO GET — ee 6,000® a= General Mitts tere) back to school variety pack for every $12' spenton apap 2.15 kg Kellogg's cereal ee Upto $24.99 Value . all sizes and varieties Buy big, save big versus our ae nearer Tere es “where applicable avocado bag product of Mexico, 6's PoE gelato) MU a oe eae taco wild smoked salmon, basa, breaded pollock fillets, Atlantic salmon portions, /or popcorn shrimp breaded squid frozen, 255 91.13 kg Prices and offers effective from Thursday, September 8th to Wednesday, September 14th, 2022 unless otherwise stated. Ei iy PIVEN Cee eee ce sac toe a eee eet a eee) SUPERSTORE

Latest flyers

FRUIT & VEG Cw CC ei) eet VC -} % AV E for real with PC Optimum”, | Club Size, Ad Match and is re) R PP mile MT ee Re Bey ML RU Eg ello Pree (cle fe SUC Rileag te ele 7 Meer Rie Pen ua ey optimum. Cait utiiicy Da an ee Ec ict ele ig oe WHEN YOU SPEND E : LOAD TO GET — ee 6,000® a= General Mitts tere) back to school variety pack for every $12' spenton apap 2.15 kg Kellogg's cereal ee Upto $24.99 Value . all sizes and varieties Buy big, save big versus our ae nearer Tere es “where applicable avocado bag product of Mexico, 6's PoE gelato) MU a oe eae taco wild smoked salmon, basa, breaded pollock fillets, Atlantic salmon portions, /or popcorn shrimp breaded squid frozen, 255 91.13 kg Prices and offers effective from Thursday, September 8th to Wednesday, September 14th, 2022 unless otherwise stated. Ei iy PIVEN Cee eee ce sac toe a eee eet a eee) SUPERSTORE

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