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Current flyer Safeway - Valid from 08.09 to 14.09 - Page nb 7

Flyer Safeway 08.09.2022 - 14.09.2022

Products in this flyer

ES ee 422. 5 i COMPLIMENTS Goat Cheese off Logs 113g OKA Original works out to 3.35/100 g or VEXTRA Brie works out to 2.75/100 g DARE Bear Paws 150-240 g, DARE Breton, Vinta, Breton Bites, Veggie Crisps or Bold & Baked Crackers 100-250 g or Melba or Canapes 120-200g § =a =" patil Se 4 When you buy 1 2 MAPLE LEAF = sae“ natural selections 2/ 12 — Sliced Deli Meats COMPLIMENTS Brie or Camembert 170-200 g, Sliced Chi 180-170 —_- Feta 200g ‘Shreds 125 gor Ricotta 475 g agen - _ : selected 175 g Back to routine with deli favourites. Be eer 729 Tuscan-style selected varieties 38 ‘SAN DANIELE (9 Prosciutto 49 SAN DANIELE Mortadella MASTRO Salami ‘or MASTRO Capocollo Genoa selected 99 selected varieties 9 9 varieties These tarts combine a perfect flakey butter pastry with a sweet cream custard filling infused with hints of cinnamon and lemon. ge, Cupcakes m. 6 pk 310-400 g J } COMPLIMENTS ‘ Lemon Meringue eo when you Portuguese Pie ikg buy Bormore Tarts 1.69 ea Dessert Bars Cherry Oat or Salted Caramel 415-430 g while supplies last Small Bar Cakes 445-540 g Mini Fruit Strudel apple, cherry, blueberry 4 pk 280g aero ZA9 Butter Crust, Dutch Crunch or Bagels 4 pk 450g Sesame Seed Topped Bread COMPLIMENTS Brioche iPS Kore 3.79 ea 450-600 g Hamburger Buns 4 pk 200 g

Latest flyers

ES ee 422. 5 i COMPLIMENTS Goat Cheese off Logs 113g OKA Original works out to 3.35/100 g or VEXTRA Brie works out to 2.75/100 g DARE Bear Paws 150-240 g, DARE Breton, Vinta, Breton Bites, Veggie Crisps or Bold & Baked Crackers 100-250 g or Melba or Canapes 120-200g § =a =" patil Se 4 When you buy 1 2 MAPLE LEAF = sae“ natural selections 2/ 12 — Sliced Deli Meats COMPLIMENTS Brie or Camembert 170-200 g, Sliced Chi 180-170 —_- Feta 200g ‘Shreds 125 gor Ricotta 475 g agen - _ : selected 175 g Back to routine with deli favourites. Be eer 729 Tuscan-style selected varieties 38 ‘SAN DANIELE (9 Prosciutto 49 SAN DANIELE Mortadella MASTRO Salami ‘or MASTRO Capocollo Genoa selected 99 selected varieties 9 9 varieties These tarts combine a perfect flakey butter pastry with a sweet cream custard filling infused with hints of cinnamon and lemon. ge, Cupcakes m. 6 pk 310-400 g J } COMPLIMENTS ‘ Lemon Meringue eo when you Portuguese Pie ikg buy Bormore Tarts 1.69 ea Dessert Bars Cherry Oat or Salted Caramel 415-430 g while supplies last Small Bar Cakes 445-540 g Mini Fruit Strudel apple, cherry, blueberry 4 pk 280g aero ZA9 Butter Crust, Dutch Crunch or Bagels 4 pk 450g Sesame Seed Topped Bread COMPLIMENTS Brioche iPS Kore 3.79 ea 450-600 g Hamburger Buns 4 pk 200 g

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