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Current flyer Atlantic Superstore - Labour Day - Valid from 31.08 to 06.09 - Page nb 4

Flyer Atlantic Superstore 31.08.2023 - 06.09.2023

Products in this flyer

Scan to see our complete digital flyer ape pork backiribs) cryovac 2's 8.80/kg Q cétes de dos 2 it=bone grilling steak de pore . family size, cut from en, 5 ungraded beef 7 19.82/kg bifteck d’aloyau a griller 22 KG i lb / eS freshjatlantic chicken breasts oO % salmon fillets or thighs ‘ faimilyssize’ boneless skinless, =k family size, : r 12.10/kg 5 Z N itrinesiou, I filetside’saumon \ por - hauts"de,cuisses de pa sed frais ‘ —s —- rT = CoV P YY) CAN "3 less than 6 He ea. Dare Bear Paws romaine hearts bulk corn cookies or product of Canada product of Canada crunchy cookies aie S» 3's mais en vrac > selected varieties cceurs de ape rea EA 165-2408 | al biscuits Pattes [a ae d’ours ou biscuits, ‘ala! croquants Dare i Vi I , aibeerns EARNS A Yf 4 \ selected varieties frozen 330-455 g pizza Mince et croustillante, Pleine de, Focaccia ou pain plat PC=;— Menu bleu moariest Azone? EA 135 a a Tide/Gain/ivory Snow detergent 1.36-2.72 L/18-35's, Downy/Gain fabric softener 1.89-3.06 L Bounce, beads 422 ¢| or Downy/Gain sheet: 120-200's selected an détergent rebel getat Nels ronson textile Downy/| Gain, peries. | Je Bounce ou ati feuilles Downy/Gain iene AREA EA 7? » PC* lemonade PC* Deluxe Por selected varieties Mac & Cheese peels gene) 1.89 L selected varieties : * limonade PC” 220-225 g cman 207M Iare0n_Ea/zntzsaz9 EA macaroni au fromage de luxe PC”? ‘29579716 EA1S29753 EA = ee 2 2 om when you buy 2 els Ad) 99 less thaw 2 25300 | i PC* natural Coca-Cola or Cashmere bathroom spring water Pepsi soft drinks tissue 12 double rol =i 24x500 mL e selected varieties SpongeTowels paper’ = ~— = eau de source” A 24x355 mL towels 6 rolls or naturelle PC” aa boissons gazeuses Scotties facial y are cat Coca-Cola ou Pepsi tissue 6's tS ‘anouenvone Couaaeenston C24 selected varieties) MiMLuia ca smc Rete papier hygiénique me por Cashmere, SpongeTowels | 324%.) a) UJ} ou mouchoirs § ‘ies aiesn2 Cares 6] Flyer prices effective from Thursday, August 3ist to Wednesday, September 6th, 2023. SEE BACK PAGE FOR DETAILS. RAI

Latest flyers

Scan to see our complete digital flyer ape pork backiribs) cryovac 2's 8.80/kg Q cétes de dos 2 it=bone grilling steak de pore . family size, cut from en, 5 ungraded beef 7 19.82/kg bifteck d’aloyau a griller 22 KG i lb / eS freshjatlantic chicken breasts oO % salmon fillets or thighs ‘ faimilyssize’ boneless skinless, =k family size, : r 12.10/kg 5 Z N itrinesiou, I filetside’saumon \ por - hauts"de,cuisses de pa sed frais ‘ —s —- rT = CoV P YY) CAN "3 less than 6 He ea. Dare Bear Paws romaine hearts bulk corn cookies or product of Canada product of Canada crunchy cookies aie S» 3's mais en vrac > selected varieties cceurs de ape rea EA 165-2408 | al biscuits Pattes [a ae d’ours ou biscuits, ‘ala! croquants Dare i Vi I , aibeerns EARNS A Yf 4 \ selected varieties frozen 330-455 g pizza Mince et croustillante, Pleine de, Focaccia ou pain plat PC=;— Menu bleu moariest Azone? EA 135 a a Tide/Gain/ivory Snow detergent 1.36-2.72 L/18-35's, Downy/Gain fabric softener 1.89-3.06 L Bounce, beads 422 ¢| or Downy/Gain sheet: 120-200's selected an détergent rebel getat Nels ronson textile Downy/| Gain, peries. | Je Bounce ou ati feuilles Downy/Gain iene AREA EA 7? » PC* lemonade PC* Deluxe Por selected varieties Mac & Cheese peels gene) 1.89 L selected varieties : * limonade PC” 220-225 g cman 207M Iare0n_Ea/zntzsaz9 EA macaroni au fromage de luxe PC”? ‘29579716 EA1S29753 EA = ee 2 2 om when you buy 2 els Ad) 99 less thaw 2 25300 | i PC* natural Coca-Cola or Cashmere bathroom spring water Pepsi soft drinks tissue 12 double rol =i 24x500 mL e selected varieties SpongeTowels paper’ = ~— = eau de source” A 24x355 mL towels 6 rolls or naturelle PC” aa boissons gazeuses Scotties facial y are cat Coca-Cola ou Pepsi tissue 6's tS ‘anouenvone Couaaeenston C24 selected varieties) MiMLuia ca smc Rete papier hygiénique me por Cashmere, SpongeTowels | 324%.) a) UJ} ou mouchoirs § ‘ies aiesn2 Cares 6] Flyer prices effective from Thursday, August 3ist to Wednesday, September 6th, 2023. SEE BACK PAGE FOR DETAILS. RAI

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