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Current flyer Foodland - Valid from 22.09 to 28.09 - Page nb 6

Flyer Foodland 22.09.2022 - 28.09.2022

Products in this flyer

7 a a = Y~) S e O ae aa O O . = D ed G Za e) a IY i = =f a = ALL WEEKLONG! 1100+ Bonus Miles’ available in store! That’s $110 in Cash Miles towards your groceries! *Valid September 22-28, 2022 er MS marrercrresy Tt / j 5 PUR Ne Satori a ae eet ee tay JOHNSONVILLE Sausages Breakfast, Dinner, Fully Cooked Breakfast, Recipe Starters or § Smoked 250-500 g _ =a “Ss anh . 107° ‘SCHNEIDERS Pepperettes 599 EXCLUSIVE TO FOODLAND 13°? Ber eee Puff Pastry Pot Pies 210 g chicken or beef Pork Gyro Kits 788 g 4 5 we e 3 lead y z i $9 BETTY CROCKER 39 STONEMILL Bread Muffin Mix 700-900 Frostings 340-450 g 454-600 g 42) 949 me 299° ae $4, coneumens CHEETOS Mac’N Select Pasta Sauce Turkey or Chicken Cheese 160-170 g 640 mL 156g Ex % ee na Alle Ld LYSOL Disinfecting 9 9 CHARMIN Bathroom 99 Spray 350 g. Wipes 99 Tissue 8=24 rolls or 75-84 pk or Power FINISH Quantum or BOUNTY Paper Towel Pius Toilet Bowl All in One Dish Pods: 4=6 rolls Cleaner 940 mL 72-105 pk a — a > ,D = = i 4 ~ PRESSNSEAL : = ak) cat COLGATE Toothpaste £9 9 49 IRISH SPRING or 70-150 mL, Floss or GLAD Press'N Seal SOFTSOAP Body 140 ft Wash selected 591 mL Toothbrushes 1 pk selected

Latest flyers

7 a a = Y~) S e O ae aa O O . = D ed G Za e) a IY i = =f a = ALL WEEKLONG! 1100+ Bonus Miles’ available in store! That’s $110 in Cash Miles towards your groceries! *Valid September 22-28, 2022 er MS marrercrresy Tt / j 5 PUR Ne Satori a ae eet ee tay JOHNSONVILLE Sausages Breakfast, Dinner, Fully Cooked Breakfast, Recipe Starters or § Smoked 250-500 g _ =a “Ss anh . 107° ‘SCHNEIDERS Pepperettes 599 EXCLUSIVE TO FOODLAND 13°? Ber eee Puff Pastry Pot Pies 210 g chicken or beef Pork Gyro Kits 788 g 4 5 we e 3 lead y z i $9 BETTY CROCKER 39 STONEMILL Bread Muffin Mix 700-900 Frostings 340-450 g 454-600 g 42) 949 me 299° ae $4, coneumens CHEETOS Mac’N Select Pasta Sauce Turkey or Chicken Cheese 160-170 g 640 mL 156g Ex % ee na Alle Ld LYSOL Disinfecting 9 9 CHARMIN Bathroom 99 Spray 350 g. Wipes 99 Tissue 8=24 rolls or 75-84 pk or Power FINISH Quantum or BOUNTY Paper Towel Pius Toilet Bowl All in One Dish Pods: 4=6 rolls Cleaner 940 mL 72-105 pk a — a > ,D = = i 4 ~ PRESSNSEAL : = ak) cat COLGATE Toothpaste £9 9 49 IRISH SPRING or 70-150 mL, Floss or GLAD Press'N Seal SOFTSOAP Body 140 ft Wash selected 591 mL Toothbrushes 1 pk selected

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