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Current flyer Co-op Food - Back To School - Valid from 01.09 to 07.09 - Page nb 1

Flyer Co-op Food 01.09.2022 - 07.09.2022

Products in this flyer

PET AAUTSU DOLIUT UN L k Dee } Boneless Beef + Striploin Halves Cut from Canada AA Grade or Higher Random Cryovac Wrapped . Aged 14 Days See inside for even more deals! HRST2 L / l \ — à Co-op Pork È 7: ed, Green or Black \ Geeu Side Ribs Seedless Grapes CS Breast Bone-of, Value Pack Pack or 49 Pr fi Maple Leaf Pork Tenderloin, Random Cryovac Wrapped | re pr Nectarines Yellow or White Flesh Variety Produce of U.SA. | Nature Valley | uffin Ba | ee... 175 g or Wafer Bars 1849 | : Armstrong , | Cheese S € °Le A 22000Sids630g ÿ FIRST2 “Armstrong j ete e DR Lg fe | Ss=remaniitions 5 | Kraft LE RS = e Cheez Whiz 4509 mé Breyers 14 Lays 7, = = = DELLE TS Ice Cream or a Potato Chips TL Hot Dog Buns Frozen Dessert Ê 220-235 g or Poppables 130 g al Bake 1.66 L or Klondike Novelties Æ d Padiageof4-6 PRET TR =) D ès RE Purex } [ Bathroom Tissue se | Package of 30 Jumbo Ro or > 12 Mega Rols or SpongeTowels UtraPRO — Package of 6 Double Rolis COTE] Natural Spring Water & FIRST4 mes ÉRS ee cipes food. for more re! Ontimee Breakfast ne Seeinsidelor more details.

Latest flyers

PET AAUTSU DOLIUT UN L k Dee } Boneless Beef + Striploin Halves Cut from Canada AA Grade or Higher Random Cryovac Wrapped . Aged 14 Days See inside for even more deals! HRST2 L / l \ — à Co-op Pork È 7: ed, Green or Black \ Geeu Side Ribs Seedless Grapes CS Breast Bone-of, Value Pack Pack or 49 Pr fi Maple Leaf Pork Tenderloin, Random Cryovac Wrapped | re pr Nectarines Yellow or White Flesh Variety Produce of U.SA. | Nature Valley | uffin Ba | ee... 175 g or Wafer Bars 1849 | : Armstrong , | Cheese S € °Le A 22000Sids630g ÿ FIRST2 “Armstrong j ete e DR Lg fe | Ss=remaniitions 5 | Kraft LE RS = e Cheez Whiz 4509 mé Breyers 14 Lays 7, = = = DELLE TS Ice Cream or a Potato Chips TL Hot Dog Buns Frozen Dessert Ê 220-235 g or Poppables 130 g al Bake 1.66 L or Klondike Novelties Æ d Padiageof4-6 PRET TR =) D ès RE Purex } [ Bathroom Tissue se | Package of 30 Jumbo Ro or > 12 Mega Rols or SpongeTowels UtraPRO — Package of 6 Double Rolis COTE] Natural Spring Water & FIRST4 mes ÉRS ee cipes food. for more re! Ontimee Breakfast ne Seeinsidelor more details.

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