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Current flyer Independent - Valid from 20.03 to 26.03 - Page nb 4

Flyer Independent 20.03.2025 - 26.03.2025

Products in this flyer

0 Oe (EX 599 / ZPR TO. j SDT 14 ee % = 7 817 BASMATI RICE 2/ Ss Loaps oF 4 fete CEREAL as <. sere oe nemesve @ | Sseny Independent | CUSTOMER RELATIONS 1-866-541-6315. VISIT FOR STORE HOURS. Quantities and/or selection of ters may be Srited and may ect be available in all stores. For inquires on product availabilty at your store please contact Customer Rakutons at the above phone namber. io Ranchecks OR Subst on cearance ems or where Qeanttes it advertised as ievted. Advertised enguta pring and product selection (avous, cur, patterns, sve) may vary by sort lecaion, We ae sot ctiguted wy Seb ems based on errs or mages ‘ypearaciy cx photog, Pricng: Al references t “Save. Was, Now, Savings "tn compara to cu cam rer pices. Coupnns mutt be preseted and redeemed at be cf purchase. Savings on ems shown may vary in each store location. Aeplcable taxes, depots, or environmental surcharges are eka. No sales t etal ctets @/"™ The Trademarks. senice marks and logos Gaayes in Dis fher ae trademarks of Loblaws hc. and overs. Al rights reserved. © 2025 Loblaws inc MasterCard and the MaserCare Brand Mark ae regitered tasemarts and PayPass & 3 tademark of MasterCard ternational Incorporated President's Chace Bark 2 icensee of curs PC Optenum” program is provided by President's Chace Services lc. Presents Croce Franca! MasterCard is prove by Presets Cnace Bark Presets Cane Francal personal banking sereces are growed by the ect bankng Gin of Semple Francia GPC, Presidents Chace, PC Feancal and Presents Choice Fanci are seteres ademas f blames tc. Tens ust earemert, PC OPTIMUM MEMBERS ONLY: These otters are cnty erable io vat PC Optoma” program members Urner tee ‘regeter 35 2 PC Optemam™ menter see in-store oF vst pcaptena ca We are ret abtgated to amar’ ports based on errors (magn. No cash value See yourndepencentocer ca tr fl pram Getais ctusng rederegton restictons Mirman redemton 10,000 pots. These eters carnet be combined wih any acest rots sets on pres purchases. We reserve to my cx cancel these oer wiboxt nce, Product aralablty may vary by store. Wie spphes last We reserve the nt okt quates “Receive fhe puts speciied when you spend the qatying dar acer n De eptayed participating pode andi categaryes)betee tues and afer redemptions and al coupons and Gscounts ate deducted in angle bansacton Vid Ir fyer Graton, ater which the pice wil be the same or bom PC Optra “ ran-PC Optimum” members axes applicable on fe purchase anoxet wer Gacourts. PC Opteum’* member prong snot applicable any price Raich programs fx partcoatng sores operate under te Loans he: barner HTOOOUCASONL: Fert ice’ hs br 9 et et ent ces ste tO HT pcp i Bi ak wemyrtapetipcncs we cal Cons Rane a NESTS. | Cares an econ em mayb ete and may tb ral na res Cte ts. angrier ay yb ee ate! oe ater. Pas ceck yr ea cen, | cits a aralatity We reserve De rg oie ques to reasrabetamyrequcererts Painchecks may be malate fer ut of tack tems exchaing Ceara Hees or where qa ire adverse as ted We reserve he ight te ‘Be ox of sock em for an eat tem eu proving 2 rincheck A@vertised regalar pricing ad peoduct selection (veer, PEFC to "Save", “Was” "New" ec. in comparaan to our wn repr prices. Savings on hems advertised within Spee enay vary by store location. Coupes mas be geese and redeemed at tne f purchase We Seca (ther angles nly to select preducts. Cer may be moxie’ andr canceled wit notice. Se stare fr ha Geta YIG BACK

Latest flyers

0 Oe (EX 599 / ZPR TO. j SDT 14 ee % = 7 817 BASMATI RICE 2/ Ss Loaps oF 4 fete CEREAL as <. sere oe nemesve @ | Sseny Independent | CUSTOMER RELATIONS 1-866-541-6315. VISIT FOR STORE HOURS. Quantities and/or selection of ters may be Srited and may ect be available in all stores. For inquires on product availabilty at your store please contact Customer Rakutons at the above phone namber. io Ranchecks OR Subst on cearance ems or where Qeanttes it advertised as ievted. Advertised enguta pring and product selection (avous, cur, patterns, sve) may vary by sort lecaion, We ae sot ctiguted wy Seb ems based on errs or mages ‘ypearaciy cx photog, Pricng: Al references t “Save. Was, Now, Savings "tn compara to cu cam rer pices. Coupnns mutt be preseted and redeemed at be cf purchase. Savings on ems shown may vary in each store location. Aeplcable taxes, depots, or environmental surcharges are eka. No sales t etal ctets @/"™ The Trademarks. senice marks and logos Gaayes in Dis fher ae trademarks of Loblaws hc. and overs. Al rights reserved. © 2025 Loblaws inc MasterCard and the MaserCare Brand Mark ae regitered tasemarts and PayPass & 3 tademark of MasterCard ternational Incorporated President's Chace Bark 2 icensee of curs PC Optenum” program is provided by President's Chace Services lc. Presents Croce Franca! MasterCard is prove by Presets Cnace Bark Presets Cane Francal personal banking sereces are growed by the ect bankng Gin of Semple Francia GPC, Presidents Chace, PC Feancal and Presents Choice Fanci are seteres ademas f blames tc. Tens ust earemert, PC OPTIMUM MEMBERS ONLY: These otters are cnty erable io vat PC Optoma” program members Urner tee ‘regeter 35 2 PC Optemam™ menter see in-store oF vst pcaptena ca We are ret abtgated to amar’ ports based on errors (magn. No cash value See yourndepencentocer ca tr fl pram Getais ctusng rederegton restictons Mirman redemton 10,000 pots. These eters carnet be combined wih any acest rots sets on pres purchases. We reserve to my cx cancel these oer wiboxt nce, Product aralablty may vary by store. Wie spphes last We reserve the nt okt quates “Receive fhe puts speciied when you spend the qatying dar acer n De eptayed participating pode andi categaryes)betee tues and afer redemptions and al coupons and Gscounts ate deducted in angle bansacton Vid Ir fyer Graton, ater which the pice wil be the same or bom PC Optra “ ran-PC Optimum” members axes applicable on fe purchase anoxet wer Gacourts. PC Opteum’* member prong snot applicable any price Raich programs fx partcoatng sores operate under te Loans he: barner HTOOOUCASONL: Fert ice’ hs br 9 et et ent ces ste tO HT pcp i Bi ak wemyrtapetipcncs we cal Cons Rane a NESTS. | Cares an econ em mayb ete and may tb ral na res Cte ts. angrier ay yb ee ate! oe ater. Pas ceck yr ea cen, | cits a aralatity We reserve De rg oie ques to reasrabetamyrequcererts Painchecks may be malate fer ut of tack tems exchaing Ceara Hees or where qa ire adverse as ted We reserve he ight te ‘Be ox of sock em for an eat tem eu proving 2 rincheck A@vertised regalar pricing ad peoduct selection (veer, PEFC to "Save", “Was” "New" ec. in comparaan to our wn repr prices. Savings on hems advertised within Spee enay vary by store location. Coupes mas be geese and redeemed at tne f purchase We Seca (ther angles nly to select preducts. Cer may be moxie’ andr canceled wit notice. Se stare fr ha Geta YIG BACK

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