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Current flyer Loblaws - Valid from 20.03 to 16.04 - Page nb 18

Flyer Loblaws 20.03.2025 - 16.04.2025

Products in this flyer

A QE SHOP @LoblawsOn {F} @Lobiawson Loblaws CUSTOMER RELATIONS 1-800-296-2332 VISIT LOBLAWS.CA FOR STORE HOURS. Please cat Customer Relations at 1-800-296-2332 or visit cur website a for your particular store's hows and fra tof te Loblawrs® locations that 00 NOT participate in tis fy ‘ee hu ww'en_CAVcompany:policylterms-and-concrbons ei. Quantities and/or selection of Rene may be limited and may ect be available in afl stores to Rainchecks OR Substtubons cn Geararce tems or where quanttes are advertised as hmted. {serie consi orion served section (Pores cles, sabes Se ln War set aon, We 2 ot ctged fo el Hens based on eros emigre pean Ray Pn Alerts Sie. Was, No. Sve compar W Owned pees. Cups sb reser and rede al ine of purchase. Savings on items shown may vary in each store location. Applicable taxes, depts. or emrenmental surcharpes are extra. No sales to retal cuties. @ The Voor Servce mans ond ties dagaye ts ea Vested Loaner and ober. Hrs eer © 212 Lota. MasterCard an he MasterCard Beane Mar aerated raerars and PaPass a vaderark of MasterCard intemabonal Incorporated. President's Choice Bank 8 Bcensee of marks. PC Optimum™ program is provided by Presidents Choice Services in. President's Choice Financial MasterCard is provided by Presents Chace Bark Presents Chace Frarcal personal tarkng services are prone by the rect banking dvsion of Smph Franca GPC, Preset s Chace, PC Franca and President's Chace Freancial are registered trademarks of Lebtaws Inc. Trademarks used under cence. We reserve the right tit quaites to reasonable tama requirements. PC OPTIMUM MEMBERS ONLY: These otters are arly avaitabie to vad PC Optimrcm’™ program members. Membership & tree. To register as a PC Optmum™ member, see in-stoce or wisi poogiimum ca. We 2 not cbigated to award points based on errors or misprints. No cash value. See for ful program deta including redemption restictons Minimean redempten 10.000 pots. These efers eet centnad wih wy eer coors, dacortso promotes anno fst on res pce. We esevyw cancel we ts wit nc. Pru aay ay ny y she Widest. Werner it nt unex. “Tah pis spect when you ped ety cle ens on Be Sig pce rue nd calgary bine inca e eegs o gdGcsw tsge ‘wansaction;* Vaid for ier duration, ater which fhe price willbe the same fr both PC Optimum and rn-PC Optima” members. Taxes applicable on the purchase amount after discounts. PC Optimur er" en pce Sel epee toang gck ath papens i peace ‘tows touring ate Lblonn banner. Prices and offers effective from Thursday, March 20th - Wednesday, Aprit 16, 2025 unless otherwise stated. istseis

Latest flyers

A QE SHOP @LoblawsOn {F} @Lobiawson Loblaws CUSTOMER RELATIONS 1-800-296-2332 VISIT LOBLAWS.CA FOR STORE HOURS. Please cat Customer Relations at 1-800-296-2332 or visit cur website a for your particular store's hows and fra tof te Loblawrs® locations that 00 NOT participate in tis fy ‘ee hu ww'en_CAVcompany:policylterms-and-concrbons ei. Quantities and/or selection of Rene may be limited and may ect be available in afl stores to Rainchecks OR Substtubons cn Geararce tems or where quanttes are advertised as hmted. {serie consi orion served section (Pores cles, sabes Se ln War set aon, We 2 ot ctged fo el Hens based on eros emigre pean Ray Pn Alerts Sie. Was, No. Sve compar W Owned pees. Cups sb reser and rede al ine of purchase. Savings on items shown may vary in each store location. Applicable taxes, depts. or emrenmental surcharpes are extra. No sales to retal cuties. @ The Voor Servce mans ond ties dagaye ts ea Vested Loaner and ober. Hrs eer © 212 Lota. MasterCard an he MasterCard Beane Mar aerated raerars and PaPass a vaderark of MasterCard intemabonal Incorporated. President's Choice Bank 8 Bcensee of marks. PC Optimum™ program is provided by Presidents Choice Services in. President's Choice Financial MasterCard is provided by Presents Chace Bark Presents Chace Frarcal personal tarkng services are prone by the rect banking dvsion of Smph Franca GPC, Preset s Chace, PC Franca and President's Chace Freancial are registered trademarks of Lebtaws Inc. Trademarks used under cence. We reserve the right tit quaites to reasonable tama requirements. PC OPTIMUM MEMBERS ONLY: These otters are arly avaitabie to vad PC Optimrcm’™ program members. Membership & tree. To register as a PC Optmum™ member, see in-stoce or wisi poogiimum ca. We 2 not cbigated to award points based on errors or misprints. No cash value. See for ful program deta including redemption restictons Minimean redempten 10.000 pots. These efers eet centnad wih wy eer coors, dacortso promotes anno fst on res pce. We esevyw cancel we ts wit nc. Pru aay ay ny y she Widest. Werner it nt unex. “Tah pis spect when you ped ety cle ens on Be Sig pce rue nd calgary bine inca e eegs o gdGcsw tsge ‘wansaction;* Vaid for ier duration, ater which fhe price willbe the same fr both PC Optimum and rn-PC Optima” members. Taxes applicable on the purchase amount after discounts. PC Optimur er" en pce Sel epee toang gck ath papens i peace ‘tows touring ate Lblonn banner. Prices and offers effective from Thursday, March 20th - Wednesday, Aprit 16, 2025 unless otherwise stated. istseis

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