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Current flyer Longo's - Valid from 13.10 to 26.10 - Page nb 13

Flyer Longo's 13.10.2022 - 26.10.2022

Products in this flyer

VISIT TRESTELLE.CA ae ah toe De ee ey Pol) CRACKER ey Na Cracker Barrel Natural QP Sicesorcombos 129-240g pkg selected varieties Tégo Multipack Yogurt 16x100g oF 12x100g pkg selected varieties Earth's Own Almond Milk 1.89L carton Individual $399 selected varieties selected varieties Longo's ay Cream 499: teas ee SAVE UP TO $5 3°? Schneiders Chicken Seemed relM eT selected varieties Pe nnD we Pacing fe = Cavendish iJ ot Frozen Potatoes Cavendish 540-750g pkg een selected varieties GS eas Figo Nand Drinkable Yogourt 6x93mL bottle selected varieties 49 Oasis Premium Orange Juice 25L jug selected varieties 6 499 3) PEPPERONI Longo's Refrigerated Pasta 350-365g pkg or Sauce 350ml pkg selected varieties 59 Delissio Thin Crust Pizza selected varieties SIRLOIN BEEF - BURGERS — a ‘| sls s PRs oa) a eae 102 oy =— - Lactantia ParFiltre Milk or Beatrice Chocolate Milk aides Longe's Sirloin Beef Burgers 102kg pkg 49 PRICES ON THIS PAGE EFFECTIVE FROM THURSDAY OCTOBER 13™ TO WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 26", 2022. Snowcrest Organic 99 or Longo’s Thin Crust Pizza 326-5509 pkg Frozen Fruit 600g pkg selected varieties ma 679 rae NEF oiresee = Longo's Frozen Cannelloni or Lasagna TI3kg pkg selected varieties

Latest flyers

VISIT TRESTELLE.CA ae ah toe De ee ey Pol) CRACKER ey Na Cracker Barrel Natural QP Sicesorcombos 129-240g pkg selected varieties Tégo Multipack Yogurt 16x100g oF 12x100g pkg selected varieties Earth's Own Almond Milk 1.89L carton Individual $399 selected varieties selected varieties Longo's ay Cream 499: teas ee SAVE UP TO $5 3°? Schneiders Chicken Seemed relM eT selected varieties Pe nnD we Pacing fe = Cavendish iJ ot Frozen Potatoes Cavendish 540-750g pkg een selected varieties GS eas Figo Nand Drinkable Yogourt 6x93mL bottle selected varieties 49 Oasis Premium Orange Juice 25L jug selected varieties 6 499 3) PEPPERONI Longo's Refrigerated Pasta 350-365g pkg or Sauce 350ml pkg selected varieties 59 Delissio Thin Crust Pizza selected varieties SIRLOIN BEEF - BURGERS — a ‘| sls s PRs oa) a eae 102 oy =— - Lactantia ParFiltre Milk or Beatrice Chocolate Milk aides Longe's Sirloin Beef Burgers 102kg pkg 49 PRICES ON THIS PAGE EFFECTIVE FROM THURSDAY OCTOBER 13™ TO WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 26", 2022. Snowcrest Organic 99 or Longo’s Thin Crust Pizza 326-5509 pkg Frozen Fruit 600g pkg selected varieties ma 679 rae NEF oiresee = Longo's Frozen Cannelloni or Lasagna TI3kg pkg selected varieties

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