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Current flyer Metro - Valid from 12.01 to 25.01 - Page nb 8

Flyer Metro 12.01.2023 - 25.01.2023

Products in this flyer

SAVOUR THE BRANDS YOU CAN ONLY FIND AT METRO STAYING ON A HEALTHY TRACK & wa WAKE UP TO MINI PANCAKES Be ~ MIXED WITH FROZEN ORGANIC FRUIT : t ce gatets i ge 3? at Bm NATURAUA NATURALIA , FROZEN FRUIT 400 - 600g a. SELECTED VARIETIES mm =" ether enon wantin DREANIC 5 Biettaue Me 6 og TE ow. ie 00 a UE Sua LUE SwART onGaNIC oe om TEs PEANUT BUTTER 499 raceas SHuceTe meres SELECTED VARIETIES ‘ont 3; ie = BiGiogique Foodland IRRESISTIBLES ; jo LUFE SMART a IRRESISTIBLES GOAT CHEESE |azoneonn = ORGANICS HONEY NATURALIA SWEET APPLE CIDER PRODUCT OF ONTARIO ta tS B mm ’ i HRs — Whip up lunches with great flavour hh. and healthy ingredients LUFE SMART NATURALIA VEGAN PATTIES ea. tums BBO OR RED PEPPER Non-GMO pizza provides a healthy alternative to traditional crust. Use My Health My Choices to find more Non-GMO products that are right for you. Le SuaRt OO ieioria seve sur otal ‘SELECTED VARIETIES IREISTELES NATURAL 7 PIZZA CRUST ‘SELECTED SIZES ea. SELECTED VARIETIES Ameer et] ‘ Co RUC RUC eRe ga eee LANT-BASED FOODS In partnership with the eo UR rar Te

Latest flyers

SAVOUR THE BRANDS YOU CAN ONLY FIND AT METRO STAYING ON A HEALTHY TRACK & wa WAKE UP TO MINI PANCAKES Be ~ MIXED WITH FROZEN ORGANIC FRUIT : t ce gatets i ge 3? at Bm NATURAUA NATURALIA , FROZEN FRUIT 400 - 600g a. SELECTED VARIETIES mm =" ether enon wantin DREANIC 5 Biettaue Me 6 og TE ow. ie 00 a UE Sua LUE SwART onGaNIC oe om TEs PEANUT BUTTER 499 raceas SHuceTe meres SELECTED VARIETIES ‘ont 3; ie = BiGiogique Foodland IRRESISTIBLES ; jo LUFE SMART a IRRESISTIBLES GOAT CHEESE |azoneonn = ORGANICS HONEY NATURALIA SWEET APPLE CIDER PRODUCT OF ONTARIO ta tS B mm ’ i HRs — Whip up lunches with great flavour hh. and healthy ingredients LUFE SMART NATURALIA VEGAN PATTIES ea. tums BBO OR RED PEPPER Non-GMO pizza provides a healthy alternative to traditional crust. Use My Health My Choices to find more Non-GMO products that are right for you. Le SuaRt OO ieioria seve sur otal ‘SELECTED VARIETIES IREISTELES NATURAL 7 PIZZA CRUST ‘SELECTED SIZES ea. SELECTED VARIETIES Ameer et] ‘ Co RUC RUC eRe ga eee LANT-BASED FOODS In partnership with the eo UR rar Te

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