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Current flyer Michaels - Valid from 21.09 to 29.09 - Page nb 1

Flyer Michaels 21.09.2022 - 29.09.2022

Products in this flyer

LOWEST PRICES OF THE SEASON You've scored our best deals Artist's Loft’ Value 2 pk. Canvas jack-Stapled & Gallery Wrapped Canvas evel I: Academic Level 2: Artist. Level 3: Professional. a 16 in x20n 40.6 emx50.8em LOWEST PRICE OF THE SEASON | LOWEST PRICE OF THE SEASON 422 Small Craft MK Pumpkins by Ashland’ Reg. 9.99 923 Medium Craft 5 Pumpkins by ashiand Reg 1999 dB, aX 1422 i Large Craft ~ Pumpkins — Fall Picks& = | by Ashland’ Wreath Supplies Reg. 29.99 — nd | LOWEST PRICE Ales OF THE SEASON | , 50%. |e Noe \ “@ xk Cricut Materials, Mats & Tools Select Artist's Loft’ Artist Easels Wichraelts eae a tens nn wee Michaels custom rramine ‘prohibited. Valid onty in Canada. EXCLUSIONS: Everyday FROMO Cope! WED 9/21 - THU 9/29/22 EXCLUDES EVERYDAY VALUE Wena WALL rt «Mooro0"7asea"! « eis at 1) WED 9/21 - THU 9/29/22 “mgt St We are Yoo RESIDE UAE DY BLES Dey nlx a Deb esc pvt Bay rie eke csr St Save time & skip the line!” ial GRAB & GO os CURBSIDE PICKUP Ss SAME-DAY DELIVERY MAKERS' FALL FAVES Bo rate eae bole Ts Perec Peer eae nts ie eee isco eee Eu acs recs Reese ek Cramer an cad Daa CRC) an f° Mamet cl a atLe raya oan cry ey ic Lee a) Seen cunid Vinyl ome ee Ce) ar Ped lo Cea ee) CAN PIB

Latest flyers

LOWEST PRICES OF THE SEASON You've scored our best deals Artist's Loft’ Value 2 pk. Canvas jack-Stapled & Gallery Wrapped Canvas evel I: Academic Level 2: Artist. Level 3: Professional. a 16 in x20n 40.6 emx50.8em LOWEST PRICE OF THE SEASON | LOWEST PRICE OF THE SEASON 422 Small Craft MK Pumpkins by Ashland’ Reg. 9.99 923 Medium Craft 5 Pumpkins by ashiand Reg 1999 dB, aX 1422 i Large Craft ~ Pumpkins — Fall Picks& = | by Ashland’ Wreath Supplies Reg. 29.99 — nd | LOWEST PRICE Ales OF THE SEASON | , 50%. |e Noe \ “@ xk Cricut Materials, Mats & Tools Select Artist's Loft’ Artist Easels Wichraelts eae a tens nn wee Michaels custom rramine ‘prohibited. Valid onty in Canada. EXCLUSIONS: Everyday FROMO Cope! WED 9/21 - THU 9/29/22 EXCLUDES EVERYDAY VALUE Wena WALL rt «Mooro0"7asea"! « eis at 1) WED 9/21 - THU 9/29/22 “mgt St We are Yoo RESIDE UAE DY BLES Dey nlx a Deb esc pvt Bay rie eke csr St Save time & skip the line!” ial GRAB & GO os CURBSIDE PICKUP Ss SAME-DAY DELIVERY MAKERS' FALL FAVES Bo rate eae bole Ts Perec Peer eae nts ie eee isco eee Eu acs recs Reese ek Cramer an cad Daa CRC) an f° Mamet cl a atLe raya oan cry ey ic Lee a) Seen cunid Vinyl ome ee Ce) ar Ped lo Cea ee) CAN PIB

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