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Current flyer Save-On-Foods - Valid from 08.09 to 14.09 - Page nb 3

Flyer Save-On-Foods 08.09.2022 - 14.09.2022

Products in this flyer

Western Family Pork Back Ribs Fully Cooked, Frozen, 750g Ck Filled Pasta Fresh, 3509 of ae _ > 2510 Michel's Gourmet 1 9 Keg Prime Rib 1 5% Beet Burgers Lem Binne (a or (1.02 kg) o¢ Ribs Toupie (1.5 ig) (7009), Frozen Western Family High Liner English Chicken Nuggets Style Chips & Fish miele Selected Varieties, Selected Varieties, Fully Cooked, Frozen, $$0g or 700g eto) Frozen, 8009 ta J . 99 NUGGETS A 99 = = 8 i Ca Ole Kaur ea} VI Be Bac elec Picnic) Neem cee att Pete ete Ce nin Meat Co. Bacon Also Maple Leaf, Western Family Prawns White, 41 to 50 Count, Easy Peel, Frozen, 3409 4 ee @) 69 ie 1005 et ty Sine Cod Fillets . Mango Crusted Basa Portions Fresh ~ or Lemon & Herb, Frozen, 454g Prices effective Thursday to Wednesday, September 8 to 4, 2022. Offers require use of More Rewards card. ving fee where ap

Latest flyers

Western Family Pork Back Ribs Fully Cooked, Frozen, 750g Ck Filled Pasta Fresh, 3509 of ae _ > 2510 Michel's Gourmet 1 9 Keg Prime Rib 1 5% Beet Burgers Lem Binne (a or (1.02 kg) o¢ Ribs Toupie (1.5 ig) (7009), Frozen Western Family High Liner English Chicken Nuggets Style Chips & Fish miele Selected Varieties, Selected Varieties, Fully Cooked, Frozen, $$0g or 700g eto) Frozen, 8009 ta J . 99 NUGGETS A 99 = = 8 i Ca Ole Kaur ea} VI Be Bac elec Picnic) Neem cee att Pete ete Ce nin Meat Co. Bacon Also Maple Leaf, Western Family Prawns White, 41 to 50 Count, Easy Peel, Frozen, 3409 4 ee @) 69 ie 1005 et ty Sine Cod Fillets . Mango Crusted Basa Portions Fresh ~ or Lemon & Herb, Frozen, 454g Prices effective Thursday to Wednesday, September 8 to 4, 2022. Offers require use of More Rewards card. ving fee where ap

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