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Current flyer Thrifty Foods - Halloween - Valid from 20.10 to 26.10 - Page nb 11

Flyer Thrifty Foods 20.10.2022 - 26.10.2022

Products in this flyer

99 Knor x3 Ean Soup 2 Pack or Nutella Lipton Hazelnut Cup-a-Soup Spread 58-63 9 3759 = 62° | 929 Panache Extra Virgin Olive Oil Compliments aL Grated Parmesan Cheese " 2509 eewert 4 Clover Leaf Flaked om: Sockeye Salmon 1429 Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce R 284 ml N 3 is f Sma | 97 9 4 Sensodyne a: or Pronamel eae ‘Aci "Toothpaste ‘abiays Sélected Pads, 75-100 ml Liners or Tampax = = Tampons ~ = PRO NAMEL ee Selected, 20-120 Pack me pan ore Prec Tylenol Pain Relief Cold & Sinus* 40-200 Pack or Motrin Robitussin 100-115 ml or 20 Pack Muscle & Body or Buckley's Complete 40 Pack Selected 24 Pack or 150 mt THURS, OCT 20 = WED, OCT 26, 2022 429 3/399 29 ile Crosby's Jell-O Quaker Molasses Instant Pudding Cereal 6759 Assorted Selected Ewemenessm | 30-1139 Varieties MELASSE QUALITE 350-5009 [PSAVNyOSI Oe si Compliments Compliments Flour Instant 2.5kg Oatmeal 325-4309 849 32). ped 3 bt Compliments The Spice’ Patak’s 100% Pure Tailor Cooking Rinsioner OH eet Sauce mt electe Selected Ruane ts Varieties Varieties Prd 285-375 ml 400 mt ee 0r 360g 2 Ms Pampers 99 Baby Wipes =i Selected cee: 112-216 Pack I FOF Jumbo Diapers [ Selected } ‘nie 4) 16-37 Pack f Hair Care, Body Wash, \ a | Deodorant or E , Body Spray 1, 473 ml or a 76-113 g = Tums i \Z2 32-160 Pack ips = am. Selected Imodium ae = } Poise Pads 20-24 Pack or Depend Selected !modium Cacentert Selected on Duty

Latest flyers

99 Knor x3 Ean Soup 2 Pack or Nutella Lipton Hazelnut Cup-a-Soup Spread 58-63 9 3759 = 62° | 929 Panache Extra Virgin Olive Oil Compliments aL Grated Parmesan Cheese " 2509 eewert 4 Clover Leaf Flaked om: Sockeye Salmon 1429 Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce R 284 ml N 3 is f Sma | 97 9 4 Sensodyne a: or Pronamel eae ‘Aci "Toothpaste ‘abiays Sélected Pads, 75-100 ml Liners or Tampax = = Tampons ~ = PRO NAMEL ee Selected, 20-120 Pack me pan ore Prec Tylenol Pain Relief Cold & Sinus* 40-200 Pack or Motrin Robitussin 100-115 ml or 20 Pack Muscle & Body or Buckley's Complete 40 Pack Selected 24 Pack or 150 mt THURS, OCT 20 = WED, OCT 26, 2022 429 3/399 29 ile Crosby's Jell-O Quaker Molasses Instant Pudding Cereal 6759 Assorted Selected Ewemenessm | 30-1139 Varieties MELASSE QUALITE 350-5009 [PSAVNyOSI Oe si Compliments Compliments Flour Instant 2.5kg Oatmeal 325-4309 849 32). ped 3 bt Compliments The Spice’ Patak’s 100% Pure Tailor Cooking Rinsioner OH eet Sauce mt electe Selected Ruane ts Varieties Varieties Prd 285-375 ml 400 mt ee 0r 360g 2 Ms Pampers 99 Baby Wipes =i Selected cee: 112-216 Pack I FOF Jumbo Diapers [ Selected } ‘nie 4) 16-37 Pack f Hair Care, Body Wash, \ a | Deodorant or E , Body Spray 1, 473 ml or a 76-113 g = Tums i \Z2 32-160 Pack ips = am. Selected Imodium ae = } Poise Pads 20-24 Pack or Depend Selected !modium Cacentert Selected on Duty

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