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Current flyer Thrifty Foods - Valid from 18.08 to 24.08 - Page nb 3

Flyer Thrifty Foods 18.08.2022 - 24.08.2022

Products in this flyer

3% Jumbo Red Seediess Grapes Product of USA $7.69/kg S&G Farms BC Green Bell Peppers 49 Grown‘in Oliver 1 $5.49/kg, ‘a is uaa el 30 S&G Farms Field Grown Heirloom Tomatoes BC Peaches Grown in Oliver Grown in'the $7.69/kg 1 BC Baby Potatoes Okanagan Valley Red or Yellow. “2b Pack ai Grown in Delta 99 ' $4.39/kg J: q 99 BC Nantes Carrots fiBiun | 4 Grownin Victoria ges (iby t36Ks Pack) Fig se BC Organic Field . Tomatoes Grown in Oliver $6.59/kg 219 BC Organic Zucchini Grown ‘in Oliver or ‘on the Lower Mainland ar 4 249 BC Organic $5.49/kg Bunch Beets S&G Farms Grown on the BC Eggplant Lower Mainland Grown in Oliver $5.49/kg

Latest flyers

3% Jumbo Red Seediess Grapes Product of USA $7.69/kg S&G Farms BC Green Bell Peppers 49 Grown‘in Oliver 1 $5.49/kg, ‘a is uaa el 30 S&G Farms Field Grown Heirloom Tomatoes BC Peaches Grown in Oliver Grown in'the $7.69/kg 1 BC Baby Potatoes Okanagan Valley Red or Yellow. “2b Pack ai Grown in Delta 99 ' $4.39/kg J: q 99 BC Nantes Carrots fiBiun | 4 Grownin Victoria ges (iby t36Ks Pack) Fig se BC Organic Field . Tomatoes Grown in Oliver $6.59/kg 219 BC Organic Zucchini Grown ‘in Oliver or ‘on the Lower Mainland ar 4 249 BC Organic $5.49/kg Bunch Beets S&G Farms Grown on the BC Eggplant Lower Mainland Grown in Oliver $5.49/kg

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