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Current flyer Toys'R'Us - Christmas - Valid from 08.12 to 14.12 - Page nb 2

Flyer Toys'R'Us 08.12.2022 - 14.12.2022

Products in this flyer

NOW 119.97 Dream Camper NOW 129.97 Malibu House 2-Storey Dollhouse 415316 ofter event 18999 2 0% These Fisher Price Items. OFF NOW 39.97 123 Crawl with Me Puppy 397008 reg. 4999 NOW 75.97 4-in-1 Build-A-Bot-CAD o770n after event 94.99 20%. NOW 47.97 Steady Speed 2-Sided Walker 618136, after event 5799 6 wz SAVE NOW 49.97 $] 0 Hot Wheels CITY Mega Car Wash 027895 after event S999 ALL’ Mattel WWE Wrestling ON Vehicles and Accessories 2 ‘omc NOW 17.47 EA. WWE Wrekkin Figure Assortment 416703 after event 24.99 eo. NOW 24.47 EA. WWE Elite Collection Action Figure Assortment 436097 after event 34.99 ec 30% NOW 31.47 Masters of the Universe Land Shark Vehicle 213039 after event 44.99 NOW 34.97 EA. Masters of the Universe Masterverse Revelation Deluxe Action Figure Assortment $47223 after event 4999 ea. ALL’ Mattel Masters of the Universe Action Figures, Vehicles & Playsets SAVEUPTO On These $30 Barbie Playsets NT te 4 a oy, <p NOW 79.97 Tenth bolas us -y ” after event 9999 $2 NOW 59.97 Frankie & Deuce 2pk 132708 after event 7999 ¼ outed SAVE NOW 379.97 Power Wheels 12V Barbie Jeep 580292 reg. 49999 25%. NOW 74.97 Thomas & Friends Launch and Loop Maintenance Yard 610604 after event 9999 UPTO Ww 60% ALL Mattel Minions Toys NOW 5.97 EA. Minions Action / Figure Assortment | 478598 teg. 14.99 ea NOW 9.97 EA. Loud N Rowdy 478601 reg. 2499 €0. Barbie NOW 49.97 Mermaid Power Dolls and Boat Playset 133337 after event 7999 ALL" Thomas the Train Vehicles and Playsets GS > Une

Latest flyers

NOW 119.97 Dream Camper NOW 129.97 Malibu House 2-Storey Dollhouse 415316 ofter event 18999 2 0% These Fisher Price Items. OFF NOW 39.97 123 Crawl with Me Puppy 397008 reg. 4999 NOW 75.97 4-in-1 Build-A-Bot-CAD o770n after event 94.99 20%. NOW 47.97 Steady Speed 2-Sided Walker 618136, after event 5799 6 wz SAVE NOW 49.97 $] 0 Hot Wheels CITY Mega Car Wash 027895 after event S999 ALL’ Mattel WWE Wrestling ON Vehicles and Accessories 2 ‘omc NOW 17.47 EA. WWE Wrekkin Figure Assortment 416703 after event 24.99 eo. NOW 24.47 EA. WWE Elite Collection Action Figure Assortment 436097 after event 34.99 ec 30% NOW 31.47 Masters of the Universe Land Shark Vehicle 213039 after event 44.99 NOW 34.97 EA. Masters of the Universe Masterverse Revelation Deluxe Action Figure Assortment $47223 after event 4999 ea. ALL’ Mattel Masters of the Universe Action Figures, Vehicles & Playsets SAVEUPTO On These $30 Barbie Playsets NT te 4 a oy, <p NOW 79.97 Tenth bolas us -y ” after event 9999 $2 NOW 59.97 Frankie & Deuce 2pk 132708 after event 7999 ¼ outed SAVE NOW 379.97 Power Wheels 12V Barbie Jeep 580292 reg. 49999 25%. NOW 74.97 Thomas & Friends Launch and Loop Maintenance Yard 610604 after event 9999 UPTO Ww 60% ALL Mattel Minions Toys NOW 5.97 EA. Minions Action / Figure Assortment | 478598 teg. 14.99 ea NOW 9.97 EA. Loud N Rowdy 478601 reg. 2499 €0. Barbie NOW 49.97 Mermaid Power Dolls and Boat Playset 133337 after event 7999 ALL" Thomas the Train Vehicles and Playsets GS > Une

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