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Current flyer Real Canadian Superstore - Easter - Valid from 30.03 to 05.04 - Page nb 20

Flyer Real Canadian Superstore 30.03.2023 - 05.04.2023

Products in this flyer

Mitchells E ee eared Coletta 18%. ne yee Since 194° Nh Ueda eetenr ry Saneon rondT nome Lipa Pe aa ee 7 (: re CC CY: eee Eos Select Varieties Remini Cray em) Cita 5 Cet ee a a1 6 Li a ASR ML ee Rd Schneiders® Original Recipe 99 PM ec OL) 99 CRI) ug SeloctVarienes ry Pe mn aN Cored ; as BUY GROUPS OF 3 ce Bs Sepa TURKEY BREAST SBT PT St NATURAL SMOKED HAM Peed es SPEND & GET for every $10" spent on ea Maple Leaf or Schneiders 10008 =" @ Tw led) Prices and offers effective from Thursday, March 30th to Wednesday, April Sth, 2023 unless otherwise stated. i oO Please see in-store or online at for your particular store's hours. Customer Relations: 1-866-999-9890 ASI)

Latest flyers

Mitchells E ee eared Coletta 18%. ne yee Since 194° Nh Ueda eetenr ry Saneon rondT nome Lipa Pe aa ee 7 (: re CC CY: eee Eos Select Varieties Remini Cray em) Cita 5 Cet ee a a1 6 Li a ASR ML ee Rd Schneiders® Original Recipe 99 PM ec OL) 99 CRI) ug SeloctVarienes ry Pe mn aN Cored ; as BUY GROUPS OF 3 ce Bs Sepa TURKEY BREAST SBT PT St NATURAL SMOKED HAM Peed es SPEND & GET for every $10" spent on ea Maple Leaf or Schneiders 10008 =" @ Tw led) Prices and offers effective from Thursday, March 30th to Wednesday, April Sth, 2023 unless otherwise stated. i oO Please see in-store or online at for your particular store's hours. Customer Relations: 1-866-999-9890 ASI)

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