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Current flyer Real Canadian Superstore - Valid from 15.09 to 21.09 - Page nb 2

Flyer Real Canadian Superstore 15.09.2022 - 21.09.2022

Products in this flyer

Danone Activia yogurt selected varieties "3e1009 a 2064089264 Nature Valley or fibre 1 bars, Crocker or Mott's fruit snack selected varieties fibre1 637 91.28 hg Brom 3 oe aaiesz0.ev2 \ NON-MEMBER PRICE 10°: PC* chocolate SunRype fruit to go covered fruit 1.01 kg ornuts 20178618.64 selected varieties 700/908 g z rman ALMONDS AMANDES - NON-MEMBER PRICE 9°2 no name* soda crackers PC* Arrowroot biscuits 9079 1.4kg 20795200. 20060156. = soda crackers Bile a NON-MEMBER PRICE 4° Ferrero Rocher collection Oasis assorted drink boxes 24/30's 40x200 mL 20108017.£4/21463020.04 1000520.0 ERRERO" ROCHER Black Diamond CheeStrings marble 28's PC* frozen fruit selected varieties, 1.5/2kg 271378022.64 14 4 21099810.€ } Nestlé kitKat spooky friends 90s or oie assorted chocolate 120's £ selected varieties PC* roasted almonds selected varieties, 1.1 kg Good Host iced tea crystals 2.35kg 2009320284

Danone Activia yogurt selected varieties "3e1009 a 2064089264 Nature Valley or fibre 1 bars, Crocker or Mott's fruit snack selected varieties fibre1 637 91.28 hg Brom 3 oe aaiesz0.ev2 \ NON-MEMBER PRICE 10°: PC* chocolate SunRype fruit to go covered fruit 1.01 kg ornuts 20178618.64 selected varieties 700/908 g z rman ALMONDS AMANDES - NON-MEMBER PRICE 9°2 no name* soda crackers PC* Arrowroot biscuits 9079 1.4kg 20795200. 20060156. = soda crackers Bile a NON-MEMBER PRICE 4° Ferrero Rocher collection Oasis assorted drink boxes 24/30's 40x200 mL 20108017.£4/21463020.04 1000520.0 ERRERO" ROCHER Black Diamond CheeStrings marble 28's PC* frozen fruit selected varieties, 1.5/2kg 271378022.64 14 4 21099810.€ } Nestlé kitKat spooky friends 90s or oie assorted chocolate 120's £ selected varieties PC* roasted almonds selected varieties, 1.1 kg Good Host iced tea crystals 2.35kg 2009320284

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