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Current flyer RONA - Valid from 13.03 to 19.03 - Page nb 4

Flyer RONA 13.03.2025 - 19.03.2025

Products in this flyer

Get a new bathroom fo Tam (=S-3-9 SAVE 15% on ALL LANDON & CO. | SAVE and ALLEN+ROTH shower doors and bases 14" x 34" x 72" Shown: (06385377 <505906> 949-99 807.00 Door, 60" 67375262 <490060> 819-00 696.00 Faucet and panels not included, SAVE 15% on ALL alcove and freestanding bathtubs $400 or more (regular price before tax) oj. ON ALL round and 1 5 %' neo-angle showers Seve, On ALL 80 CFM 1 5 %' bathroom fans \e Shown: 0.7 sone 09095160 <t89626> 129:99 110.00 OnLy o $118 ( A “ADLER” BATH/SHOWER FAUCET at &. =< 1802197 <081313> ONLY B "ADLER" LAVATORY FAUCET 19025513 <378533> ° Pe] ~ MOEN SAVE 15% 4 on ALL AMERICAN © ; STANDARD toilets $200 or more (regular price before tax) ——— ————* > Shown: 60" x 30" ss 94725070 <487961> 4a faut oe teed rss ss merc not included. 2 Standard SAVE a "ti SAVE *VALLYMEDE" 3-LIGHT SAVE 41" ROUND LE oso, ALL 12" x 24" tiles VANITY LIGHT $ FLUSHMOUI fo $2/sq. ft. or more ‘Aged bronze finish. | 0 White, brushed nickel or (regular price before tax) 32016458 <423987> matte black (regular pi D was $429 $99 was 39-99 29.99 ea. 37395075.77 <488154-56> = ee ‘Shown: VE Ea PS aa goss ABS082> .19 sq. ft. Sold in 13.56 sq. ft. box A Cue aa D173 56.82 | vanity lights N+ROTH ‘WCANARM: IE INSTALLATION OF TOILET AND/OR SINK AND/OR FAUCET Soe logl txt for detail. Particpating stores. % OFF THI INSTALLED SAVE. on ALL “Arctic Snow” SAVE, 8. 5% laminate countertops 1 5% on RICHELIEU ESSENTIALS nN cabinet pulls and knobs Shown ‘A8-Pack. 76-mm, Brushed gold finish Shown: (07287636 <503254> 15-49 13.09 8 58166841 <446242> B S-Pack. 96-mm. Matte black finish 244-99 182.00 Âź wrrtemiones | (7287630 <503248> 24-39 17.99 SAVE UNDER-CABINET ONLY $ RANGE HOOD $ 30 ee 168 axTIBOWWC was 19:99 169.99 09095135 <475104> 0.9 CU. FT. MICROWAVE -_ 30895457 <506120> 5-PACK wr @LG -PACK 40-GAL ELECTRIC WATER HEATER 240. 01355052 <379280> Richelieu 5% ‘COMES TO 1420.24 '50-GAL GAS WATER HEATER Power vent, Glass lining 33538013 <492531> Only available an in RONAY stores EES OEE Nutone envy avaiable to PRO customers smith SAVE SAVE on ALL SAVE 1 5% 20” mosaic tiles 1 5% on ALL 4 on ALL ALLEN+ROTH sizes of and PROJECT VALSPAR SOURCE blinds . primer and shades i ams 44567 <87564> 13-61 .79 ea. Sold in Stile box 68-04 53.94 SAVE, 15% on "Trending Tropicals” plants Rees Cana Shown: 32075296 <433043> 34-99 29.49 SAVE 20% on ALL interior decorative rugs ELECTRONIC WALL CONTROL INCLUDED { BRSAN NuTone 02- ROC1 *0n the regular price ia the flyer. Except for Web-nclusive, special order or clesrance products, Cantot be combined with any other offer.

Get a new bathroom fo Tam (=S-3-9 SAVE 15% on ALL LANDON & CO. | SAVE and ALLEN+ROTH shower doors and bases 14" x 34" x 72" Shown: (06385377 <505906> 949-99 807.00 Door, 60" 67375262 <490060> 819-00 696.00 Faucet and panels not included, SAVE 15% on ALL alcove and freestanding bathtubs $400 or more (regular price before tax) oj. ON ALL round and 1 5 %' neo-angle showers Seve, On ALL 80 CFM 1 5 %' bathroom fans \e Shown: 0.7 sone 09095160 <t89626> 129:99 110.00 OnLy o $118 ( A “ADLER” BATH/SHOWER FAUCET at &. =< 1802197 <081313> ONLY B "ADLER" LAVATORY FAUCET 19025513 <378533> ° Pe] ~ MOEN SAVE 15% 4 on ALL AMERICAN © ; STANDARD toilets $200 or more (regular price before tax) ——— ————* > Shown: 60" x 30" ss 94725070 <487961> 4a faut oe teed rss ss merc not included. 2 Standard SAVE a "ti SAVE *VALLYMEDE" 3-LIGHT SAVE 41" ROUND LE oso, ALL 12" x 24" tiles VANITY LIGHT $ FLUSHMOUI fo $2/sq. ft. or more ‘Aged bronze finish. | 0 White, brushed nickel or (regular price before tax) 32016458 <423987> matte black (regular pi D was $429 $99 was 39-99 29.99 ea. 37395075.77 <488154-56> = ee ‘Shown: VE Ea PS aa goss ABS082> .19 sq. ft. Sold in 13.56 sq. ft. box A Cue aa D173 56.82 | vanity lights N+ROTH ‘WCANARM: IE INSTALLATION OF TOILET AND/OR SINK AND/OR FAUCET Soe logl txt for detail. Particpating stores. % OFF THI INSTALLED SAVE. on ALL “Arctic Snow” SAVE, 8. 5% laminate countertops 1 5% on RICHELIEU ESSENTIALS nN cabinet pulls and knobs Shown ‘A8-Pack. 76-mm, Brushed gold finish Shown: (07287636 <503254> 15-49 13.09 8 58166841 <446242> B S-Pack. 96-mm. Matte black finish 244-99 182.00 Âź wrrtemiones | (7287630 <503248> 24-39 17.99 SAVE UNDER-CABINET ONLY $ RANGE HOOD $ 30 ee 168 axTIBOWWC was 19:99 169.99 09095135 <475104> 0.9 CU. FT. MICROWAVE -_ 30895457 <506120> 5-PACK wr @LG -PACK 40-GAL ELECTRIC WATER HEATER 240. 01355052 <379280> Richelieu 5% ‘COMES TO 1420.24 '50-GAL GAS WATER HEATER Power vent, Glass lining 33538013 <492531> Only available an in RONAY stores EES OEE Nutone envy avaiable to PRO customers smith SAVE SAVE on ALL SAVE 1 5% 20” mosaic tiles 1 5% on ALL 4 on ALL ALLEN+ROTH sizes of and PROJECT VALSPAR SOURCE blinds . primer and shades i ams 44567 <87564> 13-61 .79 ea. Sold in Stile box 68-04 53.94 SAVE, 15% on "Trending Tropicals” plants Rees Cana Shown: 32075296 <433043> 34-99 29.49 SAVE 20% on ALL interior decorative rugs ELECTRONIC WALL CONTROL INCLUDED { BRSAN NuTone 02- ROC1 *0n the regular price ia the flyer. Except for Web-nclusive, special order or clesrance products, Cantot be combined with any other offer.

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