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Current flyer Oceans Fresh Food Market - Valid from 02.09 to 08.09 - Page nb 1

Flyer Oceans Fresh Food Market 02.09.2022 - 08.09.2022

Products in this flyer

SH Mackerel EG Assorted Fish Gall 500g ‘aims ek, 1 8, gees Ginck TieSquid Pineapple Cut 108 oa Sea Bream MS 4RME Beech Brown/ Jamaican & Seafood White Mushroom Hot Pepper Mushroom G55 c ¢: e ‘te Re soe CASS oa Orange and Yellow | jyiRgBAsparagus, Jalapeno Pepper | and elon wagus, Jalapeno Pepper Bsa Cee rises seen aks RYAWGeWiGoncake rial scars ile ea era 63 WD RONDE NE SS foc eek | os aa ae? GF HEA - r= MPR 272 Tomato iicld Shepherd Pepper low Br » Ne Ces Moaniice Stick 4549 < ST 5: RO shrimp Sauce ene 2671 Seam Aepasesare Ol SMEAR 217m — Vieira Marie Biscuit 4x1150g Green Ton Choy dialed i MARIE _ gS Ny Coconut Tee Band ice Paper’ Cede Ded Figs 7009, ‘BAA A 2K ME 400g A RE ‘Alok: Facial Tissues ih #RT6box 100x2ply

Latest flyers

SH Mackerel EG Assorted Fish Gall 500g ‘aims ek, 1 8, gees Ginck TieSquid Pineapple Cut 108 oa Sea Bream MS 4RME Beech Brown/ Jamaican & Seafood White Mushroom Hot Pepper Mushroom G55 c ¢: e ‘te Re soe CASS oa Orange and Yellow | jyiRgBAsparagus, Jalapeno Pepper | and elon wagus, Jalapeno Pepper Bsa Cee rises seen aks RYAWGeWiGoncake rial scars ile ea era 63 WD RONDE NE SS foc eek | os aa ae? GF HEA - r= MPR 272 Tomato iicld Shepherd Pepper low Br » Ne Ces Moaniice Stick 4549 < ST 5: RO shrimp Sauce ene 2671 Seam Aepasesare Ol SMEAR 217m — Vieira Marie Biscuit 4x1150g Green Ton Choy dialed i MARIE _ gS Ny Coconut Tee Band ice Paper’ Cede Ded Figs 7009, ‘BAA A 2K ME 400g A RE ‘Alok: Facial Tissues ih #RT6box 100x2ply

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