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Current flyer Real Canadian Superstore - Halloween - Valid from 27.10 to 02.11 - Page nb 1

Flyer Real Canadian Superstore 27.10.2022 - 02.11.2022

Products in this flyer

TET UT SUPERSTORE ° Offer valid in-store from Thursday, October 27th to y, October 31st, 2022. A, Vb: Va SPEND & GET 15,000‘ WHEN YOUSPEND (=m (ees $250 OR MORE for every $30" spenton Hershey's Halloween in-store or through chocolate or: 35, 50, 75, 1000r 125s PC Express” online pick-up Household Essentials Kit Up to $24.99 Value loin, ¥ pork tender é w= fresh, cryovac rade or Fries full pint whole chicken product of Mexico or US.A. fresh no. 1 grade no name® or PC* cheese bars 300-400 or shredded cheese 250/3209 selected varieties Casa Di Mama| selectedvaitis, frozen 320-41 hicken seca vee own 599 ea ea cover limit pay 3.33 ¢0 Simply Orange ropicanaor Simply juice or wena ‘Gold Peak or Pure Leaticed tea oe 6236 mU/1. ea ea over limit pay 11.99 6 over limit pay 29.99 6a Cesc) | £| iy a iE EI ee aera) SUPERSTORE Se Mersey A ay Netcare

Latest flyers

TET UT SUPERSTORE ° Offer valid in-store from Thursday, October 27th to y, October 31st, 2022. A, Vb: Va SPEND & GET 15,000‘ WHEN YOUSPEND (=m (ees $250 OR MORE for every $30" spenton Hershey's Halloween in-store or through chocolate or: 35, 50, 75, 1000r 125s PC Express” online pick-up Household Essentials Kit Up to $24.99 Value loin, ¥ pork tender é w= fresh, cryovac rade or Fries full pint whole chicken product of Mexico or US.A. fresh no. 1 grade no name® or PC* cheese bars 300-400 or shredded cheese 250/3209 selected varieties Casa Di Mama| selectedvaitis, frozen 320-41 hicken seca vee own 599 ea ea cover limit pay 3.33 ¢0 Simply Orange ropicanaor Simply juice or wena ‘Gold Peak or Pure Leaticed tea oe 6236 mU/1. ea ea over limit pay 11.99 6 over limit pay 29.99 6a Cesc) | £| iy a iE EI ee aera) SUPERSTORE Se Mersey A ay Netcare

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