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Current flyer Brunet - Valid from 21.11 to 27.11 - Page nb 6

Flyer Brunet 21.11.2024 - 27.11.2024

Products in this flyer

‘Sete herd Soop rfl body wash ~ 699 = a A -_. 30 KLORANE, Produits capilaves CAPRINA. GARNIER af sslecionnds WHOLE BLENt elected heat Prods sited Caprina 499 oa oe Dove Dove Dove Fees tncontnance a ; stctennĂ©s eet. pe Seactencontnence ‘teclonen ae Saeed & ‘© 599 3/58 Selected toothpastes Stas leaves aff 4 Be NETTOYANT, Gum OV NEUTROGENA Produits pour le visage silectonnds | Neutrogena products 2499 = biotĂ©nĂ© ‘AVEENO ‘Aveeno. = Produits pourle BIOTENE corps sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Produits dentaires Selected booy = sĂ©lectionnes care products Selected dental products 15%. 10%” FRENCH FORMULA schmidt’s Preautecatants sleetionn Sette hos ing products 599 SCHMIDT'S. Decodorisants aa se | Sy 8” UGHT BLUE SHADE Produits capilaes ‘COPPERTONE SĂ©lectionnes Produits solaes 450m" slectionnes Selected hoir Selected sun care products care products 6°? 137% 25%. Eat ouay Soins pour visage sĂ©lectionnĂ©s ‘Solectod skin oor its 35%? 39% DENTA Prods dentaes 4° Solctod dental products IvORY 2 Bs 299: Tease svonestectonnds Sac soap tors HAWAIIAN TROPIC Produits solaies ouauto-bronzonts Slectionnes Selected sunscreens = ‘orseittonning 14”

Latest flyers

‘Sete herd Soop rfl body wash ~ 699 = a A -_. 30 KLORANE, Produits capilaves CAPRINA. GARNIER af sslecionnds WHOLE BLENt elected heat Prods sited Caprina 499 oa oe Dove Dove Dove Fees tncontnance a ; stctennĂ©s eet. pe Seactencontnence ‘teclonen ae Saeed & ‘© 599 3/58 Selected toothpastes Stas leaves aff 4 Be NETTOYANT, Gum OV NEUTROGENA Produits pour le visage silectonnds | Neutrogena products 2499 = biotĂ©nĂ© ‘AVEENO ‘Aveeno. = Produits pourle BIOTENE corps sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Produits dentaires Selected booy = sĂ©lectionnes care products Selected dental products 15%. 10%” FRENCH FORMULA schmidt’s Preautecatants sleetionn Sette hos ing products 599 SCHMIDT'S. Decodorisants aa se | Sy 8” UGHT BLUE SHADE Produits capilaes ‘COPPERTONE SĂ©lectionnes Produits solaes 450m" slectionnes Selected hoir Selected sun care products care products 6°? 137% 25%. Eat ouay Soins pour visage sĂ©lectionnĂ©s ‘Solectod skin oor its 35%? 39% DENTA Prods dentaes 4° Solctod dental products IvORY 2 Bs 299: Tease svonestectonnds Sac soap tors HAWAIIAN TROPIC Produits solaies ouauto-bronzonts Slectionnes Selected sunscreens = ‘orseittonning 14”

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