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Current flyer Foodland - Valid from 08.09 to 14.09 - Page nb 7

Flyer Foodland 08.09.2022 - 14.09.2022

Products in this flyer

Campbell WARM H TO ARE Campbell prouc $10,000 DONA TION DEL MONTE Fruit Bowls 4 pk 107-112.5 mL. PEPPERIDGE FARM Goldfish Crackers or Cookies 156-227 g & +) CAMPBELL'S « fe Broth 900 mL or a Concentrated Broth 250 mL — COMPLIMENTS or BEST BUY 99 Canned COMPLIMENTS Pineapple Instant Oatmeal 398 mL 325-430 g ROGERS or | LANTIC Brown, 99 29 COMPLIMENTS 69 Icing, Golden COMPLIMENTS BEN'S Original Chocolate Chips Yellow or White Vinegar Fast & Fancy Rice selected Demerara Sugar 4 es M i32¢ 250-300 g Tg - , | | ae SG: - @ 99 COMPLIMENTS 69 COMPLIMENTS 9 9 TILDA Basmati 100% Pure ‘Sauces White or Whole PIT BOYS Spices Canola Oil selected varieties Grain Rice 270-408 g 946 mL 350-450 mL 181 kg SF 10k COMPLIMENTS 99 99 OO) rene sieus Gal 2: TIDE Liquid Laundry Bathroom Tissue KLEENEX Facial Laundry Detergent 12 rolls or Paper Tissue 3 pk Detergent 2.72. 147-2.03L Towel 6 rolls + Pee eres GLAD Press'N Seal 21.60 mor CHARMIN 9 9 49 COMPLIMENTS 99 FINISH Quantum 99 Bathroom Tissue Freezer Bags ‘oF Alll In One Max 8=24 rolls or PALMOLIVE Dish medium 20-40 pk Dishwasher Pods BOUNTY Paper Soap 5L or large 15-30 pk 40-60 pk Towel 4=6 rolls r BONTERRA Va Bathroom Tissue 6224 rolls, Paper Towel 3=6 rolls, i 99 = 199 COMPLIMENTS or LYSOL CESAR Wet Dog Hand Soap Refill Disinfecting Food Variety selected 1L Wipes 75 pk 12 pk == Mouthwash selected TL LOVE CHILD Organic Fruit or Vegetable Purée Pouches selected 128 mL ALWAYS Pads, ae ees | 8 Tampons IAMS Perfect Portions Wet Cat Food 75g

Latest flyers

Campbell WARM H TO ARE Campbell prouc $10,000 DONA TION DEL MONTE Fruit Bowls 4 pk 107-112.5 mL. PEPPERIDGE FARM Goldfish Crackers or Cookies 156-227 g & +) CAMPBELL'S « fe Broth 900 mL or a Concentrated Broth 250 mL — COMPLIMENTS or BEST BUY 99 Canned COMPLIMENTS Pineapple Instant Oatmeal 398 mL 325-430 g ROGERS or | LANTIC Brown, 99 29 COMPLIMENTS 69 Icing, Golden COMPLIMENTS BEN'S Original Chocolate Chips Yellow or White Vinegar Fast & Fancy Rice selected Demerara Sugar 4 es M i32¢ 250-300 g Tg - , | | ae SG: - @ 99 COMPLIMENTS 69 COMPLIMENTS 9 9 TILDA Basmati 100% Pure ‘Sauces White or Whole PIT BOYS Spices Canola Oil selected varieties Grain Rice 270-408 g 946 mL 350-450 mL 181 kg SF 10k COMPLIMENTS 99 99 OO) rene sieus Gal 2: TIDE Liquid Laundry Bathroom Tissue KLEENEX Facial Laundry Detergent 12 rolls or Paper Tissue 3 pk Detergent 2.72. 147-2.03L Towel 6 rolls + Pee eres GLAD Press'N Seal 21.60 mor CHARMIN 9 9 49 COMPLIMENTS 99 FINISH Quantum 99 Bathroom Tissue Freezer Bags ‘oF Alll In One Max 8=24 rolls or PALMOLIVE Dish medium 20-40 pk Dishwasher Pods BOUNTY Paper Soap 5L or large 15-30 pk 40-60 pk Towel 4=6 rolls r BONTERRA Va Bathroom Tissue 6224 rolls, Paper Towel 3=6 rolls, i 99 = 199 COMPLIMENTS or LYSOL CESAR Wet Dog Hand Soap Refill Disinfecting Food Variety selected 1L Wipes 75 pk 12 pk == Mouthwash selected TL LOVE CHILD Organic Fruit or Vegetable Purée Pouches selected 128 mL ALWAYS Pads, ae ees | 8 Tampons IAMS Perfect Portions Wet Cat Food 75g

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