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Current flyer Fortinos - Vaisakhi 2024 - Valid from 23.03 to 29.03 - Page nb 2

Flyer Fortinos 23.03.2023 - 29.03.2023

Products in this flyer

er ir t Z b nutella reine Smooth \ J Gea: az utter 2 spread 725 @iil atte 7 SALTED or noname® | soe a peanut butter 2 kg = selected varieties 499 Gay Lea butter MAYONNAISE WILD RED PACIFIC a 9 mayonnaise — | 750-890 mL or Clover Leaf ID ecieye salmon 213 g selected varieties selected varieties 427/454 g each Wuanwon) Villa stuffed fil) Faitellint | pasta 400 gfe ous ‘or Primo passata 680 ml selected varieties) pol each 99 each or Activia yogurt 12x100 g or drink 8x93 mL, selected varieties’ ae a’ Alcan foil 50, Reynolds ‘ \ NY parchment paper 35', BlueWater battered Glad Cling Wrap 30 m Kinder Maxi Easter classic pce . or breaded fish fillets or sandwich bags 50's 150 g or Egg Hunt 186 g Club Size selected varieties, frozen selected varieties selected varieties bath tissue 480-725 g each 30=100 rolls 2 If py Tide liquid laundry detergent 1.09 L, Dia loads, Pods 12-16's, Downy Nestlé 3° ID iavric softener 1.53 L, 60 loads, Pure Life ‘© Jamieson vitamins frozen vegetables Bounce sheets 40-4 I water selected varieties selected varieties an ounce sheets 40-80 ct, all varieties saesun val OFF varietic 300.500 ¢ varieti Auontties and/or selection of tens may be lined and may not be available in ll stores. No Rainchecks OR Subsitutions on dearance items or where quotes are advertised os limited, Advertised regula pricing and product selection Ulavour, colour, patterns, ye) may vary by soe location. We reserve the ight mit quanffes to reasonable fomiy requirements. We are not obligated to sl tems based on ertos or misprints in typography or photography Pricing: AM lero 1S, he, fo, avo,” ln cxpaan oot om opto as be prcoedon roe tre of pron, Sern: how mayb re depending on Serene ts, depois, or environmental surcharges are ex. No sles o retail outs. To egtr as a PC Opimun’™ member vis We oe not obligated to award pont based on eros or misprints, No csh value. Minimum redempion 10,000 point. These offers canot be combined wih any oer coupons, discounts or promafions. Receive the pons specified when you spend the qualifying dllar amount onthe displayed product(s) and/or category. The trade-marks, service marks and logs displayed inthis fyer re trade-marks of Loblaws Inc. and hers. ©2023 Loblaws In. Al rights reserved. : post back Yb is product is printed using vegetable-based inks

Latest flyers

er ir t Z b nutella reine Smooth \ J Gea: az utter 2 spread 725 @iil atte 7 SALTED or noname® | soe a peanut butter 2 kg = selected varieties 499 Gay Lea butter MAYONNAISE WILD RED PACIFIC a 9 mayonnaise — | 750-890 mL or Clover Leaf ID ecieye salmon 213 g selected varieties selected varieties 427/454 g each Wuanwon) Villa stuffed fil) Faitellint | pasta 400 gfe ous ‘or Primo passata 680 ml selected varieties) pol each 99 each or Activia yogurt 12x100 g or drink 8x93 mL, selected varieties’ ae a’ Alcan foil 50, Reynolds ‘ \ NY parchment paper 35', BlueWater battered Glad Cling Wrap 30 m Kinder Maxi Easter classic pce . or breaded fish fillets or sandwich bags 50's 150 g or Egg Hunt 186 g Club Size selected varieties, frozen selected varieties selected varieties bath tissue 480-725 g each 30=100 rolls 2 If py Tide liquid laundry detergent 1.09 L, Dia loads, Pods 12-16's, Downy Nestlé 3° ID iavric softener 1.53 L, 60 loads, Pure Life ‘© Jamieson vitamins frozen vegetables Bounce sheets 40-4 I water selected varieties selected varieties an ounce sheets 40-80 ct, all varieties saesun val OFF varietic 300.500 ¢ varieti Auontties and/or selection of tens may be lined and may not be available in ll stores. No Rainchecks OR Subsitutions on dearance items or where quotes are advertised os limited, Advertised regula pricing and product selection Ulavour, colour, patterns, ye) may vary by soe location. We reserve the ight mit quanffes to reasonable fomiy requirements. We are not obligated to sl tems based on ertos or misprints in typography or photography Pricing: AM lero 1S, he, fo, avo,” ln cxpaan oot om opto as be prcoedon roe tre of pron, Sern: how mayb re depending on Serene ts, depois, or environmental surcharges are ex. No sles o retail outs. To egtr as a PC Opimun’™ member vis We oe not obligated to award pont based on eros or misprints, No csh value. Minimum redempion 10,000 point. These offers canot be combined wih any oer coupons, discounts or promafions. Receive the pons specified when you spend the qualifying dllar amount onthe displayed product(s) and/or category. The trade-marks, service marks and logs displayed inthis fyer re trade-marks of Loblaws Inc. and hers. ©2023 Loblaws In. Al rights reserved. : post back Yb is product is printed using vegetable-based inks

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