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Current flyer Highland Farms - Christmas - Valid from 08.12 to 14.12 - Page nb 4

Flyer Highland Farms 08.12.2022 - 14.12.2022

Products in this flyer

100% Canadian. Canada(@9) Canada (99) Canada(@ Freshly Ground. = < ge À Fresh Beef Fresh Beef Fresh EE si Round Stir Fry Strips Stewing Beef Product of Canada Product of Canada Product of Canada 1 SI ET 15.41/kg ÿ it Foodland Fresh Extra Lean Ground Beef É SAS % Fresh Ontario Fresh Fresh Ontario Fresh Ontario Outside Round Outside Round Pork Loin oneless Veal Cutlets Beef Cutlets Cutlets Chicken Breast Product of Canada Cutlets Re ' Mastro Lilydale Tre Stelle Tre Stelle Porchetta Oven Roasted Mozzarella 3pk Ricotta Cheese Hot or Mild Turkey Breast Regular or Light Freshly Sliced Freshly Sliced atthe Deli atthe Deli Ocean Jewel Cooked Shrimp 16/20ct Fresh Fresh Fresh Rainbow Trout ilapia Fil Wild Dressed Fillets Sea Smelts Frozen 15 7b ESPN) 19.82/kg AC CAS NEEDS CREME 9940 DUFFERIN ST. AT HURONTARIO ST. ANNE) EN AT MAJOR MACKENZIE DR. W. ain 905.501.9910 416.298.1999 905.832.4481 DOTE ER TR the planting of a tree through Grand Store Hours: MEME Te 2 Area RO ee SE AT TS the right to limit quantities. Unauthorized reproduction or use of this advertisement Sale EAU Nr TRS H O0 el it h ET Ar ao me

Latest flyers

100% Canadian. Canada(@9) Canada (99) Canada(@ Freshly Ground. = < ge À Fresh Beef Fresh Beef Fresh EE si Round Stir Fry Strips Stewing Beef Product of Canada Product of Canada Product of Canada 1 SI ET 15.41/kg ÿ it Foodland Fresh Extra Lean Ground Beef É SAS % Fresh Ontario Fresh Fresh Ontario Fresh Ontario Outside Round Outside Round Pork Loin oneless Veal Cutlets Beef Cutlets Cutlets Chicken Breast Product of Canada Cutlets Re ' Mastro Lilydale Tre Stelle Tre Stelle Porchetta Oven Roasted Mozzarella 3pk Ricotta Cheese Hot or Mild Turkey Breast Regular or Light Freshly Sliced Freshly Sliced atthe Deli atthe Deli Ocean Jewel Cooked Shrimp 16/20ct Fresh Fresh Fresh Rainbow Trout ilapia Fil Wild Dressed Fillets Sea Smelts Frozen 15 7b ESPN) 19.82/kg AC CAS NEEDS CREME 9940 DUFFERIN ST. AT HURONTARIO ST. ANNE) EN AT MAJOR MACKENZIE DR. W. ain 905.501.9910 416.298.1999 905.832.4481 DOTE ER TR the planting of a tree through Grand Store Hours: MEME Te 2 Area RO ee SE AT TS the right to limit quantities. Unauthorized reproduction or use of this advertisement Sale EAU Nr TRS H O0 el it h ET Ar ao me

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