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Current flyer Metro - Halloween - Valid from 20.10 to 26.10 - Page nb 15

Flyer Metro 20.10.2022 - 26.10.2022

Products in this flyer

aL NE cL ‘SELECTED wn (3) ae rr) S SA Bata a et PU TUL EL ee co SELECTED VARIETIES CT BTR Ls ATK Ta ay Car SELECTED VARIETS wo Se] VEGETABLE OlL gy ‘SELECTED VARIETIES LS RTThiay Bee Cees yuki ie = S i} BEANS al ‘SELECTED VARIETIES aay a SO = ce] eee Yogourl esa ED Bit) 49 Srnomuce a Geass les ce) ALCL RS con Buaaertyy LALOILLA PREMIUM Ned oe) santo VARIETIES, yi oe ATAIN 754 ao — AS Let Lahio ld PRODUCT OF MEXICO 37g Dahi A ATE oo Sis MEDJOOL DATES on Cm any RAW- nin RAW SHRIMP Eg ney 9 Pails] aa dale os ie MU Saeaty Te eee a CT) 7 Wea 3) asl ad iae fe)

Latest flyers

aL NE cL ‘SELECTED wn (3) ae rr) S SA Bata a et PU TUL EL ee co SELECTED VARIETIES CT BTR Ls ATK Ta ay Car SELECTED VARIETS wo Se] VEGETABLE OlL gy ‘SELECTED VARIETIES LS RTThiay Bee Cees yuki ie = S i} BEANS al ‘SELECTED VARIETIES aay a SO = ce] eee Yogourl esa ED Bit) 49 Srnomuce a Geass les ce) ALCL RS con Buaaertyy LALOILLA PREMIUM Ned oe) santo VARIETIES, yi oe ATAIN 754 ao — AS Let Lahio ld PRODUCT OF MEXICO 37g Dahi A ATE oo Sis MEDJOOL DATES on Cm any RAW- nin RAW SHRIMP Eg ney 9 Pails] aa dale os ie MU Saeaty Te eee a CT) 7 Wea 3) asl ad iae fe)

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