Products in this flyer
= Dominion when you buy 2 als fess then 2 35800 Kellogg's Rice Krispies bars 160-200 g, Pop Tarts 384 g. Special K bars 125 g or selected varieties barres Rice Krispies, Pop Tarts, barres Special K ou barres Nutri-Grain Kellogg’ when you buy 2 11 Black Diamond or PC* cheese bars 400 g or a shredded 320 ¢ selected varieties barres de fromage ou fromage rapé Black Diamond ou PC” Activia yogurt 8x00 g, Pure Leaf > iced tea or Tropicana lemonade 1.54/1.75 L selected varieties refrigerated yogourt Activia, thé glacé Pure Leaf ou limonade Tropicana Green Giant vegetables 341/398 mL or \ Unico beans 540 mt. selected varieties (Ue légumes Géant Vert ou légumineuses Unico enbhema tains tA 99. eon ELF Ran BASED. oT Leanfit protein 715-858 g ¢ protéines Leanfit Powe earn ea Sen Wey Sy POTENN- pa Ocean Spray | 100% juice | blend or cocktails selected variétig 1771.89 L mélange de jus 100 % ou cocktail Ocean Spray es er oeoeacon CAO NUTRI Nutri-Grain bars 175-295 ¢ GRAIN a ~~ dS 2 when you buy 2 PC: Pacific large white shrimp # raw peeled 31-40 per Ib 400 g grosses crevettes blanches du Pacifique PC ae International Delight coffee whitener selected varieties 946 mL colorant a café International Delight aeramner Aveo Ek PC* Candy cane ice cream 1.5L or novelties 4's wa selected varieties frozen each créme glacée ou friandises glacées a la canne en sucre PC“ els fess than2 $3900 no name" vegetables selected varieties frozen 750 g légumes sans nom monn ace AP | Robin Hood flour 1 on no name* 18 ke extra large white farine Robin Hood dozen . oe fon PURE eet ORIGINAL aitig (1) il ew yt co is ( <= ahs Finish auto dish mene te 56-78's, Cascade Platinum 60's auto dish or Cascade 72-90's selected varieties pastilles pour lave-vaisselle Fini Platinum Cascade ou Cascade 2128 FARTS tA for every $10" spent on ‘Campbell's broth 250/900 mt, ready to serve or Th Chunky soup 515 mt selected varietic pour chaque $10" dépensé en Wee bouillon, ae soupe Préte a déguster ou Chunky Campbell's unas, cazag23te02 EA for every $12" spent on any PC? Black Label product selected varieties ond sizes Th pour chaque $12" dépensé en tout produit PC” Collection noire _zossnsae_ EA/zoereseeea2 EA ais CaaS ag S07) itl a when you buy 2 less than 2 $4400, PC" natural, spring water 24x500 mL eaulde source naturelle PC" ‘Quantities andor selection tems may be ied and ay tbe ali na stores Fer nguiies cn product avalby a your slr please contact Customer Ration tthe above phone ember o alnchecks OF ‘Atvertvd requir pricing and product selection flavor, clos patos, se) may voy by sore lcatin ea " . purtase, Savegs on fas shown may vary in ech soe tection bls re Maser an Be io, Sa
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