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Current flyer Foodland - Valid from 18.08 to 24.08 - Page nb 4

Flyer Foodland 18.08.2022 - 24.08.2022

Products in this flyer

ee HAND-SELECTED AAA BEEF Dn Lg cc Te Eg ae ay Be ed cut from Cana Pec cele: Chicken Leg ae oe 4% Quarters 7.69/kg > Ui \s , mm" Boneless Pork Shoulder Blade Roasts 7.69/kg BUTCHER'S 99 SELECTION COMPLIMENTS Stampede Ribs ‘Smoked Sausage bbq of honey 900g garlic 680 g Pe SAGI: J rere day) Bcd MAPLE LEAF QQ Prine sored s 799 Breaded Poultry LEADBETTERS selected varieties Cowboy Steaks 560-695 g 1.02 kg = =| COMPLIMENTS NATURALLY 99 JANES Ultimates 9 9 SIMPLE IF Cod, Boxed & Breaded Haddock or Seafood selected Salmon Loins varieties 530-615 g 227g Salad BowlLarge800g (| ) } = COMPLIMENTS. decom . Sliced Cheese a ; 150-170 g . ‘ no COMPLIMENTS. Cooked, Smoked or Cajun Chicken Selection varies by store 4, y ¢ N LOCALLY N ¥ Chrysanthemum Sunflowers S-stem bunch assorted colours 4.5" pot LIKE INSTANT REWARDS? 49 user aaa Bur Jalapetto & Cheddar Honey Garlic Beef Burgers 15.41/kg Boneless Chicken Breasts 14.31/kg 6% “Tove our store made stuffed burgers because they are packed with flavour. Especially when you top them with the perfect mix of condiments and veggies.” our local Meat Expert at Foodland Winchester aS JALAPERO & CHEDDAR BURGER MAPLE LEAF or SCHNEIDERS Hams 600-700 g B99 1G ee Entrées 650 g 1 Bl | TH Die 147 a LEADBETTERS COMPLIMENTS, Cowboy Burgers Stuffed Chicken 1.36 kg Cutlettes 284 g OD) coorrmerns 99 ‘Shrimp with PANACHE Cocktail Sauce Bacon Wrapped 680g Scallops 250 g 4799S COMPLIMENTS Salads reg: creamy col selected Maple Bacon Ribs if Rack 355 ¢ lable hot in select stores 999 Avaitable at most stores COMPLIMENTS Pumpkin or Sunflower Seeds 300-450 g LY Basil 8" pot towards you! Petes

Latest flyers

ee HAND-SELECTED AAA BEEF Dn Lg cc Te Eg ae ay Be ed cut from Cana Pec cele: Chicken Leg ae oe 4% Quarters 7.69/kg > Ui \s , mm" Boneless Pork Shoulder Blade Roasts 7.69/kg BUTCHER'S 99 SELECTION COMPLIMENTS Stampede Ribs ‘Smoked Sausage bbq of honey 900g garlic 680 g Pe SAGI: J rere day) Bcd MAPLE LEAF QQ Prine sored s 799 Breaded Poultry LEADBETTERS selected varieties Cowboy Steaks 560-695 g 1.02 kg = =| COMPLIMENTS NATURALLY 99 JANES Ultimates 9 9 SIMPLE IF Cod, Boxed & Breaded Haddock or Seafood selected Salmon Loins varieties 530-615 g 227g Salad BowlLarge800g (| ) } = COMPLIMENTS. decom . Sliced Cheese a ; 150-170 g . ‘ no COMPLIMENTS. Cooked, Smoked or Cajun Chicken Selection varies by store 4, y ¢ N LOCALLY N ¥ Chrysanthemum Sunflowers S-stem bunch assorted colours 4.5" pot LIKE INSTANT REWARDS? 49 user aaa Bur Jalapetto & Cheddar Honey Garlic Beef Burgers 15.41/kg Boneless Chicken Breasts 14.31/kg 6% “Tove our store made stuffed burgers because they are packed with flavour. Especially when you top them with the perfect mix of condiments and veggies.” our local Meat Expert at Foodland Winchester aS JALAPERO & CHEDDAR BURGER MAPLE LEAF or SCHNEIDERS Hams 600-700 g B99 1G ee Entrées 650 g 1 Bl | TH Die 147 a LEADBETTERS COMPLIMENTS, Cowboy Burgers Stuffed Chicken 1.36 kg Cutlettes 284 g OD) coorrmerns 99 ‘Shrimp with PANACHE Cocktail Sauce Bacon Wrapped 680g Scallops 250 g 4799S COMPLIMENTS Salads reg: creamy col selected Maple Bacon Ribs if Rack 355 ¢ lable hot in select stores 999 Avaitable at most stores COMPLIMENTS Pumpkin or Sunflower Seeds 300-450 g LY Basil 8" pot towards you! Petes

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