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Current flyer Lowe's - Christmas - Valid from 30.11 to 06.12 - Page nb 4

Flyer Lowe's 30.11.2023 - 06.12.2023

Products in this flyer

off installation of a 2°¢ fixture Mist SAVE 15% on LUMIRAMA pendant lights ~ Save 0% on TRUSTONE 15% on MONO SERRA 15% on 12" x 24" vinyl tiles wall tiles 8-mm laminate flooring Bows 4 Stow IRIS <abOHSt> ZAP 2.96 nq, tr OMASOE? 487544 12-99 10.39 on a SAeseNES AEN QAP 1.86 2g, tr OBR Sold in 18.38 09, ft box 67:64 57.36 Seid in Sle box 6495 51.96 Sold in 19.65 9. ft box 43:03 36.55 save 4 al —— save 20% —— 20% was 14498 11.98 00. wos $802 81.59 “LINCOLN PARK” MOULDED PANEL DOOR Frmed MOF 3a, GOTEPD <3RND> Nee protetie, UP RTA ee CONTSROS <490807> “ “) 19.979 15.99 00. at METRIE Save save saves 20% 20% $149. on “Lyre” on 4 or 8-pack won S489 door handles RELIABIL "ACCENT/CAMELOT® locks or door iets hpaag handles vaassar «arene —<——_ @® > prt NDI cari 25-49 20.79 wn BB | Bin cave. 0099 29.99 rR DISCOVER OUR ALL NEW INTERIOR PAINT ASSORTMENT True One-Coat Hide Tough, Resilient Finish All-Around Performance STARTING AT 7692 bs an Hatta tons 7225 SOURCE teerhgenecne Page Super seus. oan : wae Keep it : simple. fa=_ oat == AFFORDABLE. —_ 6000 COVERAGE. WASHABLE. save 15% ° on folding tables and chairs o “EASY WRING" MOP & BUCKET KIT VO-PK FLOOR CLEANER PACS. Sewn Merstber bod Exayne deep A SENSO BSED 107-00 92.65 HSAIOWS « Danwed USES ss B S280 <A> 34-49 29.69 SD. uns 12.49 10.39 pk com, SAVE save cave was 68-09 48.49 AA on GLADE weiss se” 1 ae concles ’ 5 : Juisons <azease> te itery 2 1447 10.79 esas axe Tans enero» $ x 2797 20.99 y * <eitiees ens - * prerery Some Vanille Copvecine eS OASIS <SONTES> DURACELE 12:49 9.99 SAVE 20% on special order LEVOLOR shutters PAGE 02. LW.Ct

Latest flyers

off installation of a 2°¢ fixture Mist SAVE 15% on LUMIRAMA pendant lights ~ Save 0% on TRUSTONE 15% on MONO SERRA 15% on 12" x 24" vinyl tiles wall tiles 8-mm laminate flooring Bows 4 Stow IRIS <abOHSt> ZAP 2.96 nq, tr OMASOE? 487544 12-99 10.39 on a SAeseNES AEN QAP 1.86 2g, tr OBR Sold in 18.38 09, ft box 67:64 57.36 Seid in Sle box 6495 51.96 Sold in 19.65 9. ft box 43:03 36.55 save 4 al —— save 20% —— 20% was 14498 11.98 00. wos $802 81.59 “LINCOLN PARK” MOULDED PANEL DOOR Frmed MOF 3a, GOTEPD <3RND> Nee protetie, UP RTA ee CONTSROS <490807> “ “) 19.979 15.99 00. at METRIE Save save saves 20% 20% $149. on “Lyre” on 4 or 8-pack won S489 door handles RELIABIL "ACCENT/CAMELOT® locks or door iets hpaag handles vaassar «arene —<——_ @® > prt NDI cari 25-49 20.79 wn BB | Bin cave. 0099 29.99 rR DISCOVER OUR ALL NEW INTERIOR PAINT ASSORTMENT True One-Coat Hide Tough, Resilient Finish All-Around Performance STARTING AT 7692 bs an Hatta tons 7225 SOURCE teerhgenecne Page Super seus. oan : wae Keep it : simple. fa=_ oat == AFFORDABLE. —_ 6000 COVERAGE. WASHABLE. save 15% ° on folding tables and chairs o “EASY WRING" MOP & BUCKET KIT VO-PK FLOOR CLEANER PACS. Sewn Merstber bod Exayne deep A SENSO BSED 107-00 92.65 HSAIOWS « Danwed USES ss B S280 <A> 34-49 29.69 SD. uns 12.49 10.39 pk com, SAVE save cave was 68-09 48.49 AA on GLADE weiss se” 1 ae concles ’ 5 : Juisons <azease> te itery 2 1447 10.79 esas axe Tans enero» $ x 2797 20.99 y * <eitiees ens - * prerery Some Vanille Copvecine eS OASIS <SONTES> DURACELE 12:49 9.99 SAVE 20% on special order LEVOLOR shutters PAGE 02. LW.Ct

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