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Current flyer Real Canadian Superstore - Valid from 15.09 to 21.09 - Page nb 19

Flyer Real Canadian Superstore 15.09.2022 - 21.09.2022

Products in this flyer

Ss U P 5 Lt eG 1,000 Sensodyne or ProName! Polident tablets 96's or Potgrip 70 selected varieties SAVEUPTO 15%., 3.39-1149 Band-Aid bandages or Polysporin ointment ef | Nitamin CBB Multivitamin omg soo? Webber Naturals vitamins Dove bar soap 6:106 9 or or suy body wash 650/695 ml selected varieties and sizes. selected varieties RestoraLAX Aspirin low dose 180's, ‘Motrin Platinum 40's or 1 RestoraL AX or Tylenol Systane eye drops or 0, 40-200's Opti-Fre Dnoksrse 0, re, JO%, Bn. 990 Se. fo, ea 7.99-28,79 over limit pay 18.98 a 13.59-19.99 Intuition always Tew . ; Pearl Always pads 18-52's, ie 92:162's, Tampax tam Schick Hydro, Skintimate or uMIT2 U by Kotex pads 10-16’, liners UMIT 4 22-54’sorL. codpew” Intuition disposable razors 1042 40/50's or tampons |5/i6's 399 36/42’s or tampons 30's 829. lected varieties and sizes selected varieties and sizes selected varieties and sizes ea ea ‘over limit pay 11.99 0a over limit pay 4.89 0a umr4a Crest multipack toothpaste, neers oe isterine multibenefits | Lor 3x120/4x65 mL or mouthwash Always, m underwear or pads 99 classic 1.5 | mouthwash 946 mL/1L selected varieties and sizes selected varieties selected varieties ea ea HG&E Csurcestore

Latest flyers

Ss U P 5 Lt eG 1,000 Sensodyne or ProName! Polident tablets 96's or Potgrip 70 selected varieties SAVEUPTO 15%., 3.39-1149 Band-Aid bandages or Polysporin ointment ef | Nitamin CBB Multivitamin omg soo? Webber Naturals vitamins Dove bar soap 6:106 9 or or suy body wash 650/695 ml selected varieties and sizes. selected varieties RestoraLAX Aspirin low dose 180's, ‘Motrin Platinum 40's or 1 RestoraL AX or Tylenol Systane eye drops or 0, 40-200's Opti-Fre Dnoksrse 0, re, JO%, Bn. 990 Se. fo, ea 7.99-28,79 over limit pay 18.98 a 13.59-19.99 Intuition always Tew . ; Pearl Always pads 18-52's, ie 92:162's, Tampax tam Schick Hydro, Skintimate or uMIT2 U by Kotex pads 10-16’, liners UMIT 4 22-54’sorL. codpew” Intuition disposable razors 1042 40/50's or tampons |5/i6's 399 36/42’s or tampons 30's 829. lected varieties and sizes selected varieties and sizes selected varieties and sizes ea ea ‘over limit pay 11.99 0a over limit pay 4.89 0a umr4a Crest multipack toothpaste, neers oe isterine multibenefits | Lor 3x120/4x65 mL or mouthwash Always, m underwear or pads 99 classic 1.5 | mouthwash 946 mL/1L selected varieties and sizes selected varieties selected varieties ea ea HG&E Csurcestore

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