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Current flyer Adonis - Valid from 09.11 to 15.11 - Page nb 6

Flyer Adonis 09.11.2023 - 15.11.2023

Products in this flyer

PLUS DE RABAIS Cloguodl jc Ja 5hI Du 9 au 1S novembre 2023 / From November 9 to 15, 2023 Nos produits d’épicerie Our grocery products = | f frenar’s aa sa | j Verve Zo aa 4 Misiry Prey ‘ Fale ole extra verge {ata virgin ote ot 750 mt HEIDI bese (Chocolat /oacsuee hots vie Serie oa ~ Assected choke wos z ~ I 83a Cag St a > ~ HAMLET 99 49 Me Voir varite en magasia as See vaciety in store 9 LOACKER Bact oobes Voir anete en ASIEN See varety in SER 8s See variety dole 60 - 180 9 UA POTAGERE wergutĂ© aux BARON Welocte/ sexe FieoUMES ULKER ti Certses sure Genoyante ‘Voor variete en magauin ames Biscat a the Pitted sour cherries ‘See variety in stove Yea biscit TO mt it Me 299 oH Nosy Ree Ste tS MSIE Goatisicheese’ 1 Choixjvarie/Assorteachoe =) Sr eB Rierk en 113 ts ‘ = et age 300532559 | le Es ses : Fromage/ Cheese, 2509 a =S_e c~ Ceara ars) SESAME SOYA 29 va ee Ear E tina Ca! Seren RGGI 699. Scie G95 299 aa | 4% Notre boulangerie Our bakery „ oe ma Gp. ee ss oo Sig? | Ve ee, Feaisin ee) HOT DOG POM L wee = SUNEMAIDY Painsialhamburger — Tortillas blanc ou.ble — » Painauxtraising Raisin bread 4509 ‘ou hotdog 7 f White our whole wheat Hamburger or hot-dog buns; tortillas GHORAYBEH Wun 409 = 6s 49 123 ) 12 un 10.un

Latest flyers

PLUS DE RABAIS Cloguodl jc Ja 5hI Du 9 au 1S novembre 2023 / From November 9 to 15, 2023 Nos produits d’épicerie Our grocery products = | f frenar’s aa sa | j Verve Zo aa 4 Misiry Prey ‘ Fale ole extra verge {ata virgin ote ot 750 mt HEIDI bese (Chocolat /oacsuee hots vie Serie oa ~ Assected choke wos z ~ I 83a Cag St a > ~ HAMLET 99 49 Me Voir varite en magasia as See vaciety in store 9 LOACKER Bact oobes Voir anete en ASIEN See varety in SER 8s See variety dole 60 - 180 9 UA POTAGERE wergutĂ© aux BARON Welocte/ sexe FieoUMES ULKER ti Certses sure Genoyante ‘Voor variete en magauin ames Biscat a the Pitted sour cherries ‘See variety in stove Yea biscit TO mt it Me 299 oH Nosy Ree Ste tS MSIE Goatisicheese’ 1 Choixjvarie/Assorteachoe =) Sr eB Rierk en 113 ts ‘ = et age 300532559 | le Es ses : Fromage/ Cheese, 2509 a =S_e c~ Ceara ars) SESAME SOYA 29 va ee Ear E tina Ca! Seren RGGI 699. Scie G95 299 aa | 4% Notre boulangerie Our bakery „ oe ma Gp. ee ss oo Sig? | Ve ee, Feaisin ee) HOT DOG POM L wee = SUNEMAIDY Painsialhamburger — Tortillas blanc ou.ble — » Painauxtraising Raisin bread 4509 ‘ou hotdog 7 f White our whole wheat Hamburger or hot-dog buns; tortillas GHORAYBEH Wun 409 = 6s 49 123 ) 12 un 10.un

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