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Current flyer Jean Coutu - Valid from 10.11 to 16.11 - Page nb 3

Flyer Jean Coutu 10.11.2022 - 16.11.2022

Products in this flyer

Vanorsateus ' CrĂ©mes analgĂ©siques Nova? Sproy sĂ©lectionnĂ©s FDR snaigitits | Selected analgesic Selectod nasal i creams \oporsoteve nasa decongestant F RĂ©gulier / Regular eee sprays: : 1009 = soni E } ' ADVIL » CLARITIN, 2 Me I 200 mg Aide- il nocte Sbuproti Alle ee ee) de lo pd 7143 Anti-itch Cream { CrĂ©me antidĂ©mangeaisans '* Clotrimazole ‘Onguents ou * Miconazole crĂ©mes antibiotiques Traitements vaginal en sĂ©lectionnĂ©s ASPIRIN ieee a 99 emesis QQ) “Sten elected vaginal ointments and creams cnr | Anti-itch ct a sh 7 * CEPACOL * STREPSILS Pastiles sĂ©lectionnĂ©es Selected lozenges CĂ©pacol EXTRA-FORT a Âź 899 Vitamine = ae bifidum Vitamin fidum probiotic a Pour bĂ©bĂ© x VITAMINE|Ds For baby = abs 25m bifid probiotic tl Soulagement de la dearrhĂ©e Diarrhea reliet 18,20 9°? 22% Deer RELIEF OXY Soins pour fe visage sĂ©lectionnĂ©s 6 Selected facial care products IMPORTANT Tout mĂ©dicoment ov caviar des effet indices 5, is 4 ints ois poo cone ve oman ln de och els ace "ov produits de some nourls.Wovjours ten ls ned Every madison or natal hol fed Y iaseodele ons or * 3 series ‘Bray ise ecieshons ond eel hal prgocn ot a “e sroch ol iro. the zoe gna a ili ‘i oferte en clloborotion a ‘offered -laboros BREATHE RIGHT AntinausĂ©e gama Bandelettes pour la congestion nasale Nasal congestion strips * Extra ‘* RĂ©guiier / Regular, 30 AntinausĂ©e opener ae FEY Personnelle)) ‘AntinausĂ©e au BAUSCH & LOMB Biotrue Gouttes oculaires 33 ger antinauseant ‘ye drops 20 10m), 15m, 21.300 mi MUCINEX SISU Expectorant 12 h Comprimes / Tablets «0 Sans fer / Iron free ules vegĂ©tales 120 BIO Z true nse i monvlgcurer ond consult your pho such, Seon cee Gow ae eth oy gree Tesparsile forthe sale of thee medicohons. Boyer GSK, Menthclohm Co, of Co oda, RB Heats, SPIN a yi ye ww) 3 IRONKIDS Gummies jum Vitamine D Vitamin D 0 ‘ecicotons or nchrl heath product FORTIN Produits contre ta toux et le rhume sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected cough and cold products \ Ae NEW NORDIC * Clear Brain, 6 Equazen, 189 LALMA PEIN SECARIS SWISS ENERGY RELAXA Tisanes santĂ© sectonnes : Lubifant nasal | [pa Produits sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Lavatit / Laxative herbal teas, SupplĂ©ment pour digĂ©rer | § Nasal lubricant | (syns Selected products + Poudre Sechets/ Bans les produits laters | § Gel Powder, 510 Dairy digestive supplement Rg © Sachets #0 Es Packets, 0 as *Relaxa he: aha produits laitiers FORMEDICA RABAIS DE _| Gants de 99, 94] Se Protection 9 9 h A , 1D) rt stn gloves =a) OFF = aS pono, a LABORATOIRE SUISSE WEBBER NIZORAL JRAL CALM MĂ©iatonine Vitamine / Vitamin E Shas Produits 'hygiĂ©ne pour ie || chai magnĂ©sium vĂ©gĂ©talien Melatonin inguent ou creme antipeliculaire ‘u homme sĂ©lectionnĂ©s ‘Vegan magnesium powder *| eae Ointment or cream Wi-dandruft Selected hygene products Sans OGM et 509 Ni oral shampoo for women and men —aeeiie,| iz aay = MELATONINE G 7 Du 10 au 16 NOVEMBRE 2022

Latest flyers

Vanorsateus ' CrĂ©mes analgĂ©siques Nova? Sproy sĂ©lectionnĂ©s FDR snaigitits | Selected analgesic Selectod nasal i creams \oporsoteve nasa decongestant F RĂ©gulier / Regular eee sprays: : 1009 = soni E } ' ADVIL » CLARITIN, 2 Me I 200 mg Aide- il nocte Sbuproti Alle ee ee) de lo pd 7143 Anti-itch Cream { CrĂ©me antidĂ©mangeaisans '* Clotrimazole ‘Onguents ou * Miconazole crĂ©mes antibiotiques Traitements vaginal en sĂ©lectionnĂ©s ASPIRIN ieee a 99 emesis QQ) “Sten elected vaginal ointments and creams cnr | Anti-itch ct a sh 7 * CEPACOL * STREPSILS Pastiles sĂ©lectionnĂ©es Selected lozenges CĂ©pacol EXTRA-FORT a Âź 899 Vitamine = ae bifidum Vitamin fidum probiotic a Pour bĂ©bĂ© x VITAMINE|Ds For baby = abs 25m bifid probiotic tl Soulagement de la dearrhĂ©e Diarrhea reliet 18,20 9°? 22% Deer RELIEF OXY Soins pour fe visage sĂ©lectionnĂ©s 6 Selected facial care products IMPORTANT Tout mĂ©dicoment ov caviar des effet indices 5, is 4 ints ois poo cone ve oman ln de och els ace "ov produits de some nourls.Wovjours ten ls ned Every madison or natal hol fed Y iaseodele ons or * 3 series ‘Bray ise ecieshons ond eel hal prgocn ot a “e sroch ol iro. the zoe gna a ili ‘i oferte en clloborotion a ‘offered -laboros BREATHE RIGHT AntinausĂ©e gama Bandelettes pour la congestion nasale Nasal congestion strips * Extra ‘* RĂ©guiier / Regular, 30 AntinausĂ©e opener ae FEY Personnelle)) ‘AntinausĂ©e au BAUSCH & LOMB Biotrue Gouttes oculaires 33 ger antinauseant ‘ye drops 20 10m), 15m, 21.300 mi MUCINEX SISU Expectorant 12 h Comprimes / Tablets «0 Sans fer / Iron free ules vegĂ©tales 120 BIO Z true nse i monvlgcurer ond consult your pho such, Seon cee Gow ae eth oy gree Tesparsile forthe sale of thee medicohons. Boyer GSK, Menthclohm Co, of Co oda, RB Heats, SPIN a yi ye ww) 3 IRONKIDS Gummies jum Vitamine D Vitamin D 0 ‘ecicotons or nchrl heath product FORTIN Produits contre ta toux et le rhume sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected cough and cold products \ Ae NEW NORDIC * Clear Brain, 6 Equazen, 189 LALMA PEIN SECARIS SWISS ENERGY RELAXA Tisanes santĂ© sectonnes : Lubifant nasal | [pa Produits sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Lavatit / Laxative herbal teas, SupplĂ©ment pour digĂ©rer | § Nasal lubricant | (syns Selected products + Poudre Sechets/ Bans les produits laters | § Gel Powder, 510 Dairy digestive supplement Rg © Sachets #0 Es Packets, 0 as *Relaxa he: aha produits laitiers FORMEDICA RABAIS DE _| Gants de 99, 94] Se Protection 9 9 h A , 1D) rt stn gloves =a) OFF = aS pono, a LABORATOIRE SUISSE WEBBER NIZORAL JRAL CALM MĂ©iatonine Vitamine / Vitamin E Shas Produits 'hygiĂ©ne pour ie || chai magnĂ©sium vĂ©gĂ©talien Melatonin inguent ou creme antipeliculaire ‘u homme sĂ©lectionnĂ©s ‘Vegan magnesium powder *| eae Ointment or cream Wi-dandruft Selected hygene products Sans OGM et 509 Ni oral shampoo for women and men —aeeiie,| iz aay = MELATONINE G 7 Du 10 au 16 NOVEMBRE 2022

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