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Current flyer Jean Coutu - Valid from 17.11 to 23.11 - Page nb 4

Flyer Jean Coutu 17.11.2022 - 23.11.2022

Products in this flyer

Vitamines prĂ©natal Formule d'aliergies Gouttes pour et post tum faire pour enfants les yeux Children’s clear sĂ©lectionnĂ©es postpartum vitamins : allergy formula Selected 100,120 215ml eye drops. 15m E 16% S29» 699) si B49 sci. 4.099 799 * Soulagement des a OTRIVIN brolures o'estomac Gur. | Vaporisateurs nasa in relief Otrivin’ | er sacctiones Extra fort omen" | Selected nasal sprays Extra strength Prony ie Se cage Comte z * Stomaax 7 => sont + cortisone Gtowimazole Hydrocortisone creams ea toon EGG | eee 99 1. ÂŁ99 rĂ©me / Cream 5 Pl 05% & | . 159 S| 9 = & Laxatif mucilagineux Bismuth ECZEDERM laxative RĂ©gulier / Regular CrĂ©mes / Creams — . 230 mi ‘30g, 60g © Doses, 114 e— Lory ASPIRIN a = 1099 go 999) ES 1929 E429 — 19% «1299 MESSAGE IMPORTANT Tou mzamant ov prod de on rae pou coe des fl ndesrcblg sro ou des meron oes dures medicaments ire afer es inatuctons, miss en cog atom bere er geoyhe wre ores ea tome os Sn Coos orn wchie dats voss doom neheongte i ge cmasicnrt ou pru ree ee Ten ln nihcomar rocks de sr rahe ar de pon de ren ms horse prope ey 9 on Cv Jr a * ry micasBok encod Kala plc cay some tars oer taectens os preeey oat alee seeemens Rape ba mea cooks od ens pondodly Me seoriptrs and sume yoo ehereste er tren sk eotoabon o ack Re pct ‘Aivoys hop mackcotons 2nd naturl bexih prodce ovo the reach of children. Th phormoci omners fond to the bean Cou! re oop are he toe ent ite tio yi Come promoter vo es cir on eolcbeoroson eve 7 fs promotions cleredt you ts coloboroton wal; Boyer Cok yan! Porta Plotn oun tAUFACON LARNER SOLO CARE | AQUA Souler ut ena FOUR, ‘. pourlentiles suples «= OC CLOCK | “x pat grossesse Sore, @(RABAISDR | EE BACANE © REPHRESH \ y “ae \ | 5) get CED "a “REPLENS or # 4 I = Produits de santĂ© intime „ : = fa, zs off Tatoo gostene SD cutervesteccms Aa I \ PrĂ©coce / Early test | & Selected personal health \ 2 S| vet | a NEXT = i LES PIERRAFEU lera juitvitamines et minĂ©raux Produits naturels ou Feux sauvages Multivitamins and minerals vitamines sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Cold sore Formats sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Traitement en gel {= Selected sizes Selected natural health ‘products and vitamins Gel treatment Sm — = ~ wine 000 mg / io : 1.000 Ut/ 1,000 10 Cheveux Vee Ch reeroe F on | ee taming D /vtamin D eOngles Orange favoured wtaminC re veganproteins« Comorimes ef a ' vee as NATUREL _| ; = 7 Bartes ou poucres 49 sĂ©lectionnĂ©es. 4 \ Selected bars ) Es and powders TIGER BALM LIVRELIEF NEUTROGENA ALIGN Onguent . Creme anaigĂ©sique TGel = = Probiotiques analgĂ©sique Pain relief cream Shampooings ; Pain relief 09 ‘Shampoos ointment 7 71m, 20m 189 re Biren (bcepton a) Ss mie eae ala alycer Gycern suppositories, 48 URISEC 10% © BAND-AID ROLAIDS { Personnelle) Creme durĂ©e © CLEAN ‘Antiacide GED ahydrogene ‘Urea cream CLEAR tacid Hydrogen peroxide 1299 fcc aie Produits 10vol cde au choix 0m m ed Selected cab acne products keg NOVEMBER 17 to 23, 2022

Latest flyers

Vitamines prĂ©natal Formule d'aliergies Gouttes pour et post tum faire pour enfants les yeux Children’s clear sĂ©lectionnĂ©es postpartum vitamins : allergy formula Selected 100,120 215ml eye drops. 15m E 16% S29» 699) si B49 sci. 4.099 799 * Soulagement des a OTRIVIN brolures o'estomac Gur. | Vaporisateurs nasa in relief Otrivin’ | er sacctiones Extra fort omen" | Selected nasal sprays Extra strength Prony ie Se cage Comte z * Stomaax 7 => sont + cortisone Gtowimazole Hydrocortisone creams ea toon EGG | eee 99 1. ÂŁ99 rĂ©me / Cream 5 Pl 05% & | . 159 S| 9 = & Laxatif mucilagineux Bismuth ECZEDERM laxative RĂ©gulier / Regular CrĂ©mes / Creams — . 230 mi ‘30g, 60g © Doses, 114 e— Lory ASPIRIN a = 1099 go 999) ES 1929 E429 — 19% «1299 MESSAGE IMPORTANT Tou mzamant ov prod de on rae pou coe des fl ndesrcblg sro ou des meron oes dures medicaments ire afer es inatuctons, miss en cog atom bere er geoyhe wre ores ea tome os Sn Coos orn wchie dats voss doom neheongte i ge cmasicnrt ou pru ree ee Ten ln nihcomar rocks de sr rahe ar de pon de ren ms horse prope ey 9 on Cv Jr a * ry micasBok encod Kala plc cay some tars oer taectens os preeey oat alee seeemens Rape ba mea cooks od ens pondodly Me seoriptrs and sume yoo ehereste er tren sk eotoabon o ack Re pct ‘Aivoys hop mackcotons 2nd naturl bexih prodce ovo the reach of children. Th phormoci omners fond to the bean Cou! re oop are he toe ent ite tio yi Come promoter vo es cir on eolcbeoroson eve 7 fs promotions cleredt you ts coloboroton wal; Boyer Cok yan! Porta Plotn oun tAUFACON LARNER SOLO CARE | AQUA Souler ut ena FOUR, ‘. pourlentiles suples «= OC CLOCK | “x pat grossesse Sore, @(RABAISDR | EE BACANE © REPHRESH \ y “ae \ | 5) get CED "a “REPLENS or # 4 I = Produits de santĂ© intime „ : = fa, zs off Tatoo gostene SD cutervesteccms Aa I \ PrĂ©coce / Early test | & Selected personal health \ 2 S| vet | a NEXT = i LES PIERRAFEU lera juitvitamines et minĂ©raux Produits naturels ou Feux sauvages Multivitamins and minerals vitamines sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Cold sore Formats sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Traitement en gel {= Selected sizes Selected natural health ‘products and vitamins Gel treatment Sm — = ~ wine 000 mg / io : 1.000 Ut/ 1,000 10 Cheveux Vee Ch reeroe F on | ee taming D /vtamin D eOngles Orange favoured wtaminC re veganproteins« Comorimes ef a ' vee as NATUREL _| ; = 7 Bartes ou poucres 49 sĂ©lectionnĂ©es. 4 \ Selected bars ) Es and powders TIGER BALM LIVRELIEF NEUTROGENA ALIGN Onguent . Creme anaigĂ©sique TGel = = Probiotiques analgĂ©sique Pain relief cream Shampooings ; Pain relief 09 ‘Shampoos ointment 7 71m, 20m 189 re Biren (bcepton a) Ss mie eae ala alycer Gycern suppositories, 48 URISEC 10% © BAND-AID ROLAIDS { Personnelle) Creme durĂ©e © CLEAN ‘Antiacide GED ahydrogene ‘Urea cream CLEAR tacid Hydrogen peroxide 1299 fcc aie Produits 10vol cde au choix 0m m ed Selected cab acne products keg NOVEMBER 17 to 23, 2022

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