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Current flyer Jean Coutu - Valid from 08.12 to 14.12 - Page nb 5

Flyer Jean Coutu 08.12.2022 - 14.12.2022

Products in this flyer

r ~ . i(ecme MARCELLE NY? 4 es Produits de Produits de m: mae lage _ ‘ones sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected makeup and Sele tet makeup facil care products roaxs Bas [Irevionmme r = | a at? vernis & ongles sĂ©lectonnĂ©s, With the purchase of 2 selected nail polishes, ratuitement un csscivant Cutex got a Cutex nal posh remover for free MARCELLE tox MAYBELLINE * VOLATILE . Produits de aqui FOXY INK KISS * MYSTICAL * SHADES BLUE * AQUA Eau de partum ou / or Eau de toilette Abille / Roli-on Wn 4% RIMMEL GARNICR Laroctlibosay frei tavesiocs Niacinamide 10 sĂ©lect ctionnĂ©s Bote Color Gel-crĂ©me colorant Anti-taches Anti-dark spots ‘SĂ©rum / Serum ‘Mat Saecied patiun Brod ear VASELINE Prodults pour le ' got2b ch Blow tid ‘glued Selected hai stying products care xe pode GeUeM is dentaires sĂ©lectionnĂ©s ‘Selected dental losses KERI DE Huile ou Antisudorifiques lotion pour 8 ou dtodorants le corps ‘sĂ©lecBonnĂ©s stlectonnĂ©s ted Body oi! Selected body washe: antomnpans and deodorants crest CREST 30 white Whitestrips Ensembles pour le blanchiment es dents stlectioanĂ©s a Selected teeth whitening sets ae KLORANE * Shampooing sec Dry shampoo 150 mi Sect ha care products 4 RABAIS DE % 49 ry 99 0 S OFF < SCHICK Hydro Sik ALBERTO TRESEMME Cartouches de lames Produits coftants e ‘oy rasors stlectionnĂ©s se s elected Selected hair sĂ©lectionaĂ©s a styling products Selected hair « cartidges styfing devices es (00005 Hypro 119° 15%9|| “= 4% 20% Dul* au 21 dĂ©cembre 8 donne Z xx: From December Ist to 21, donate to food banks! Du 8 au 14 DECEMBRE 2022

Latest flyers

r ~ . i(ecme MARCELLE NY? 4 es Produits de Produits de m: mae lage _ ‘ones sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected makeup and Sele tet makeup facil care products roaxs Bas [Irevionmme r = | a at? vernis & ongles sĂ©lectonnĂ©s, With the purchase of 2 selected nail polishes, ratuitement un csscivant Cutex got a Cutex nal posh remover for free MARCELLE tox MAYBELLINE * VOLATILE . Produits de aqui FOXY INK KISS * MYSTICAL * SHADES BLUE * AQUA Eau de partum ou / or Eau de toilette Abille / Roli-on Wn 4% RIMMEL GARNICR Laroctlibosay frei tavesiocs Niacinamide 10 sĂ©lect ctionnĂ©s Bote Color Gel-crĂ©me colorant Anti-taches Anti-dark spots ‘SĂ©rum / Serum ‘Mat Saecied patiun Brod ear VASELINE Prodults pour le ' got2b ch Blow tid ‘glued Selected hai stying products care xe pode GeUeM is dentaires sĂ©lectionnĂ©s ‘Selected dental losses KERI DE Huile ou Antisudorifiques lotion pour 8 ou dtodorants le corps ‘sĂ©lecBonnĂ©s stlectonnĂ©s ted Body oi! Selected body washe: antomnpans and deodorants crest CREST 30 white Whitestrips Ensembles pour le blanchiment es dents stlectioanĂ©s a Selected teeth whitening sets ae KLORANE * Shampooing sec Dry shampoo 150 mi Sect ha care products 4 RABAIS DE % 49 ry 99 0 S OFF < SCHICK Hydro Sik ALBERTO TRESEMME Cartouches de lames Produits coftants e ‘oy rasors stlectionnĂ©s se s elected Selected hair sĂ©lectionaĂ©s a styling products Selected hair « cartidges styfing devices es (00005 Hypro 119° 15%9|| “= 4% 20% Dul* au 21 dĂ©cembre 8 donne Z xx: From December Ist to 21, donate to food banks! Du 8 au 14 DECEMBRE 2022

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