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Current flyer Metro - Valid from 15.09 to 28.09 - Page nb 2

Flyer Metro 15.09.2022 - 28.09.2022

Products in this flyer

JUST ADD YOGOURT Smooth & creamy, yogourt makes a delicious snack, as well as a flavourful ingredient in our recipes. SICH i SUMO : a Ca ‘SELECTED VARIETIES: shy s wornaigeesertanℱ J 599 it : ea. Nit) ia aa aT SS Rae _ Z 09 LAIN « NATUR ‘SELECTED VARIETIES. 750g + 0%ME/ME Cys aa pe Baked Oats IRRESISTIBLES ORGANICS APPLE JUICE ea. it Bseiection) FRONT STREET BAKERY . — RUSTIC COUNTRY < BREAD z : 5009 G@rganies 3 29 APPLE CAL ROY CONCENTRATE a 2 for ‘SELECTION CHOCOLATE HAZELNUT ‘SPREAD 59 i ; 799 SELECTION \ LARGE FLAKE OATS ~~ : Le We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable requirements. Descriptions take precedence over photos. Some illustrations in ths flyer do not necessarily represent items on sale & are for design only. We reserve the right to correct any unintentional errors that may occur in the copy or illustrations. Savings where indicated are based on our regular shelf price. Some products may not be availabe in all stores.

JUST ADD YOGOURT Smooth & creamy, yogourt makes a delicious snack, as well as a flavourful ingredient in our recipes. SICH i SUMO : a Ca ‘SELECTED VARIETIES: shy s wornaigeesertanℱ J 599 it : ea. Nit) ia aa aT SS Rae _ Z 09 LAIN « NATUR ‘SELECTED VARIETIES. 750g + 0%ME/ME Cys aa pe Baked Oats IRRESISTIBLES ORGANICS APPLE JUICE ea. it Bseiection) FRONT STREET BAKERY . — RUSTIC COUNTRY < BREAD z : 5009 G@rganies 3 29 APPLE CAL ROY CONCENTRATE a 2 for ‘SELECTION CHOCOLATE HAZELNUT ‘SPREAD 59 i ; 799 SELECTION \ LARGE FLAKE OATS ~~ : Le We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable requirements. Descriptions take precedence over photos. Some illustrations in ths flyer do not necessarily represent items on sale & are for design only. We reserve the right to correct any unintentional errors that may occur in the copy or illustrations. Savings where indicated are based on our regular shelf price. Some products may not be availabe in all stores.

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