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Current flyer T&T Supermarket - Valid from 09.09 to 15.09 - Page nb 2

Flyer T&T Supermarket 09.09.2022 - 15.09.2022

Products in this flyer

ld = FI ) Es & _ EW) Japanese Sweet Potato Basa ae USA 2 eh Ă© 8 he = test 8 a = Frozen Abalone “se gen 3 220g Fresh Bee! Shank ssa Digital Muscle PRES te07hg Prana Naturegg Omega 3 Eggs (Large) NEPURINSIRE-K 3 Pox Ab 4.39Ikg Frozen White Shrimp H/L Frozen Mitten Crab ey > SRA . Frozen Toothfish Steak Ty ROR ARTA 260g k BRR e5.87ikg 1kg Pk Frozen Chingping —— ARSE Fresh RWAPOK Bey sg NHPaAnCh IL hb 18.281kg ss ‘Samlip Frozen Noodle e T&T Dumpling a3" Sus RBS Oe atin all 250gx5 or 5.99 / 4.54L,1.75L 4 r Jinmailang wf "G CWZ Seasoning Noodle Yigal % SaBe iii NEF Se0Ra Dk 200 or 7.59/Ea 10gx10-4209 or 137 gx5-1559x5 Yuangi Seniin K Sugar‘tee Peach SW Black Tea a Re) Jelly €.) eae 2169x3 _ 500ml a eS = Teubak eg ‘ Zojirushi Fuzzy <4 Mini egg tarts! gl hae cae Seta Ă© Rice Cooker ‘Sweet Egg Bread! Mini Portuguese Egg „ , Ree rN Taro Bread 1 PRORBE) faze sot (nd, SARS fea REHAB TARAS SHE Box © 490mb2 5.5ÂąNT-AACI0 Sasa 02.99, 3.89/Ea 6pcs A Se a ) Stir-fried Chicken) Wi Zucchini & Cold Appetizer 3 tems Mushroom s 5 tem Combo} BBQ Combo SANAM REN el . RSRER SHaHRS —— =a ise 1100g Tray 400g Tray Not yet a member? Faarr mRBeR Follow us on sah: ames cee senteline FQ OND an HG crescent FA ivr NOW & — < ae

Latest flyers

ld = FI ) Es & _ EW) Japanese Sweet Potato Basa ae USA 2 eh Ă© 8 he = test 8 a = Frozen Abalone “se gen 3 220g Fresh Bee! Shank ssa Digital Muscle PRES te07hg Prana Naturegg Omega 3 Eggs (Large) NEPURINSIRE-K 3 Pox Ab 4.39Ikg Frozen White Shrimp H/L Frozen Mitten Crab ey > SRA . Frozen Toothfish Steak Ty ROR ARTA 260g k BRR e5.87ikg 1kg Pk Frozen Chingping —— ARSE Fresh RWAPOK Bey sg NHPaAnCh IL hb 18.281kg ss ‘Samlip Frozen Noodle e T&T Dumpling a3" Sus RBS Oe atin all 250gx5 or 5.99 / 4.54L,1.75L 4 r Jinmailang wf "G CWZ Seasoning Noodle Yigal % SaBe iii NEF Se0Ra Dk 200 or 7.59/Ea 10gx10-4209 or 137 gx5-1559x5 Yuangi Seniin K Sugar‘tee Peach SW Black Tea a Re) Jelly €.) eae 2169x3 _ 500ml a eS = Teubak eg ‘ Zojirushi Fuzzy <4 Mini egg tarts! gl hae cae Seta Ă© Rice Cooker ‘Sweet Egg Bread! Mini Portuguese Egg „ , Ree rN Taro Bread 1 PRORBE) faze sot (nd, SARS fea REHAB TARAS SHE Box © 490mb2 5.5ÂąNT-AACI0 Sasa 02.99, 3.89/Ea 6pcs A Se a ) Stir-fried Chicken) Wi Zucchini & Cold Appetizer 3 tems Mushroom s 5 tem Combo} BBQ Combo SANAM REN el . RSRER SHaHRS —— =a ise 1100g Tray 400g Tray Not yet a member? Faarr mRBeR Follow us on sah: ames cee senteline FQ OND an HG crescent FA ivr NOW & — < ae

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