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Current flyer Jean Coutu - Valid from 20.04 to 26.04 - Page nb 5

Flyer Jean Coutu 20.04.2023 - 26.04.2023

Products in this flyer

ANTIPHLOGISTINE ADVIL arr Produits: 200 mg, 50 sĂ©lectonnĂ©s : Selected _ mato Soulagement products a ee oe | ee des douleurs ry = = antiques ae Arts aD a pain relief Caplets, 100 paneeee | aaron Nanas poles) Si en 99 MĂ©dicaments pour le VICKS to thume et/ou les sinus Cold and/or sinus DayQuil/NyQuil sina" 99 ae 1499 749 Skin 1799 +20 ea. ea 6,48 ea. co © AERIUS CLARITIN a Alergies / Alergy ee Pour enfant 6 ‘hep Dene. For children cel 100m, acta vaim20e = eal Eras Peg B 84 RemĂ©de 24 h Gouttes oculaires fanite 24h 9.99 | See 99 24h allergy rar | Selected eye drops 2 remedy, 30 | 15m & ae “ROBAKSa . isal Som Pea Extra fort ea Extra strength zo 0 LPT TITTLE NATE Senna-S avec Ă©mollient Emollent fĂ©cal 99 Senna-S 99 99 Stool softener cx | with softener ch Capsules, 100 = | & Âą MESSAGE IMPORTANT j THRIVE QQ | « comes / cums Q9Q | acrius 99 ‘2 | + Pastiles ‘aw | Allergies / Allergy i. ea, Lozenges, 24,36 ea. 50 ea. * DRIXORAL BACITIN © HYDRASENSE Onguent antibiotique Vaporisateurs ‘Antibiotic ointment nasaux % ‘sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected 9 9 nasal sprays 45 mi,20ml A 2% mi 30m MONISTAT Traitements / Treatments Produits sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected products: 57 49 15% SS San pu SORA WE pg GN I BAO PRICE Soe lana nh OR I eo pa oes ay Iles a sh Sn ep eed ar Sa tes Sere toe i pe cece. iw iso Geka ao ca eh ty fodct moy couse serious adverse reactions or iferacons owh other medications, Read the label, wor Every medication or naturel heath v "Kays keep medication ond natural ealh products ou of the reach of dle. The pa Cate promotion vous est ffrte en collaboration vec / This promotion is offered fo you In eoldbortion wih ings end inser prow flied co ier ond cnt yp why bln hu hl ath prc Ca Groupe sy nes pre he se Nota Sh Boye Chr Beefeater via Raa oe & Coble oe 5 ‘Du 20 au 26 AVRIL 2023

Latest flyers

ANTIPHLOGISTINE ADVIL arr Produits: 200 mg, 50 sĂ©lectonnĂ©s : Selected _ mato Soulagement products a ee oe | ee des douleurs ry = = antiques ae Arts aD a pain relief Caplets, 100 paneeee | aaron Nanas poles) Si en 99 MĂ©dicaments pour le VICKS to thume et/ou les sinus Cold and/or sinus DayQuil/NyQuil sina" 99 ae 1499 749 Skin 1799 +20 ea. ea 6,48 ea. co © AERIUS CLARITIN a Alergies / Alergy ee Pour enfant 6 ‘hep Dene. For children cel 100m, acta vaim20e = eal Eras Peg B 84 RemĂ©de 24 h Gouttes oculaires fanite 24h 9.99 | See 99 24h allergy rar | Selected eye drops 2 remedy, 30 | 15m & ae “ROBAKSa . isal Som Pea Extra fort ea Extra strength zo 0 LPT TITTLE NATE Senna-S avec Ă©mollient Emollent fĂ©cal 99 Senna-S 99 99 Stool softener cx | with softener ch Capsules, 100 = | & Âą MESSAGE IMPORTANT j THRIVE QQ | « comes / cums Q9Q | acrius 99 ‘2 | + Pastiles ‘aw | Allergies / Allergy i. ea, Lozenges, 24,36 ea. 50 ea. * DRIXORAL BACITIN © HYDRASENSE Onguent antibiotique Vaporisateurs ‘Antibiotic ointment nasaux % ‘sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected 9 9 nasal sprays 45 mi,20ml A 2% mi 30m MONISTAT Traitements / Treatments Produits sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected products: 57 49 15% SS San pu SORA WE pg GN I BAO PRICE Soe lana nh OR I eo pa oes ay Iles a sh Sn ep eed ar Sa tes Sere toe i pe cece. iw iso Geka ao ca eh ty fodct moy couse serious adverse reactions or iferacons owh other medications, Read the label, wor Every medication or naturel heath v "Kays keep medication ond natural ealh products ou of the reach of dle. The pa Cate promotion vous est ffrte en collaboration vec / This promotion is offered fo you In eoldbortion wih ings end inser prow flied co ier ond cnt yp why bln hu hl ath prc Ca Groupe sy nes pre he se Nota Sh Boye Chr Beefeater via Raa oe & Coble oe 5 ‘Du 20 au 26 AVRIL 2023

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