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Current flyer Thrifty Foods - Halloween - Valid from 20.10 to 26.10 - Page nb 13

Flyer Thrifty Foods 20.10.2022 - 26.10.2022

Products in this flyer

Thrifty KtenĂ©ns 6°° Fresh Sausages ACH y + „ Product of Victoria ; ee OFF* Regular Retail: $1.79-$11.99 Each Earthbound Farm } ATTILL $5.99-$8.29/Ib, $13.21-$18.28/kg Som i ÂŁ *See in Store for Pricing pring Mix . b or Baby sa Ge Spinach Salad ~ = } Product of USA 3 “411b, 454g Pack | |) 4+ Stuyver's Ciabatta FAH or Portuguese Buns 4 Pack, 340-400 g Dan-D Pak Fancy Nut Mix 560g Regular Retai 102 6% Snowcrest! w Cracker 379 Earth’s Own Portofino. Perfectly wi, | Barrel Dairy Free eubanee Imperfect ne Cheese Beverages oe Fruit - 400 9, 175-189 Lor. / [i 5859 475 ka |_|: Shredded Creamers aaah sac Cheese 473 ml PERFECT, 250.320 9, Made in ! Ment aay Sauce Kits 271-280 g or Vancouver { 8 Black Diamond Cheestrings tea jou buy any, 102 #5 a 102 Ee __. Coca-Cola Compliments Soft Drinks Legumes or Tomatoes Tissue > ; , 540-796 ml =48 Rolls alesae Âą Soke Ultra Luxe pars sind Poppables 130 g 12=48 Rolls, D Candal 7 or Sponge [RRKITTQMmM Selected Tewels om Varieties Ultra Mega 480-7609. [Aes 6-12 Rolls I 1S fey TUT) een 24x355 mL@ = NEICn Cy a Saas eee 5 : ‘Sweet & Salty Granola Bars » 192-210 g, Protein Bars 148 g, Pern raat! AAS a ene ereR ey Betty Crocker Fruit Shapes 226 g CUSTOMER CARE: 1866 948 0196 - PARTY PLATTER HOTLINE: 250483 1666 - Vit for hours of operation and store and pharmacy locations.

Latest flyers

Thrifty KtenĂ©ns 6°° Fresh Sausages ACH y + „ Product of Victoria ; ee OFF* Regular Retail: $1.79-$11.99 Each Earthbound Farm } ATTILL $5.99-$8.29/Ib, $13.21-$18.28/kg Som i ÂŁ *See in Store for Pricing pring Mix . b or Baby sa Ge Spinach Salad ~ = } Product of USA 3 “411b, 454g Pack | |) 4+ Stuyver's Ciabatta FAH or Portuguese Buns 4 Pack, 340-400 g Dan-D Pak Fancy Nut Mix 560g Regular Retai 102 6% Snowcrest! w Cracker 379 Earth’s Own Portofino. Perfectly wi, | Barrel Dairy Free eubanee Imperfect ne Cheese Beverages oe Fruit - 400 9, 175-189 Lor. / [i 5859 475 ka |_|: Shredded Creamers aaah sac Cheese 473 ml PERFECT, 250.320 9, Made in ! Ment aay Sauce Kits 271-280 g or Vancouver { 8 Black Diamond Cheestrings tea jou buy any, 102 #5 a 102 Ee __. Coca-Cola Compliments Soft Drinks Legumes or Tomatoes Tissue > ; , 540-796 ml =48 Rolls alesae Âą Soke Ultra Luxe pars sind Poppables 130 g 12=48 Rolls, D Candal 7 or Sponge [RRKITTQMmM Selected Tewels om Varieties Ultra Mega 480-7609. [Aes 6-12 Rolls I 1S fey TUT) een 24x355 mL@ = NEICn Cy a Saas eee 5 : ‘Sweet & Salty Granola Bars » 192-210 g, Protein Bars 148 g, Pern raat! AAS a ene ereR ey Betty Crocker Fruit Shapes 226 g CUSTOMER CARE: 1866 948 0196 - PARTY PLATTER HOTLINE: 250483 1666 - Vit for hours of operation and store and pharmacy locations.

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