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Current flyer Safeway - Halloween - Valid from 27.10 to 02.11 - Page nb 11

Flyer Safeway 27.10.2022 - 02.11.2022

Products in this flyer

rinks eae Mini Cans § se 6x Drinks 1.69 ea MONTELLIGR Carbonated EX: Natural Spring Water | whenyou Buy2 MONTELLIER Carbonated Natural cormeretor Spring Water 10x355 mL any flavour 5.99 ea MADE READ’ prerry pi ; a o Pa 249 ARAMEL NUT err QUAKER Dipps or Chewy 120-156 g MISS VICKIE'S Kettle Chips 190-200 g Ty Oey ad RED BULL " Energy Drinks COCA-COLA or PEPSI Soft 355ML4.29±a Drinks 6x710 mk NESTLE Carnation Hot Chocolate Rich NESCAFE Instant 2 and Creamy 25 g Coffee 100-170 g ESP Ae 7-10 pk 5.49 ea fa/PS eee 8.99 ea CHRISTIE Peek Freans 275-350 g, Dad's Cookies un Led 99 300-320 g or 9 CHRISTIE Family Size Crispers Family Size Snack Crackers 2408 350-354 g SKITTLES or STARBURST Candy and Gummies 151-191 TOBLERONE Family Bars 100 g 2/$5 DARE Candy 730-818 g LAY'S or RUFFLES 40 pk Halloween Chips GET PERSONALIZED OFFERS 59 snac °8 100 ¼s Ss Puen sn gd MCCAFE Premium Roast Coffee 340 g TTT Po ad 1 r 9 MCCAFE Premium Roast K-Cup* Pods Te\sTo'k) 12 pk ey ery cay mrt tr Ait a ed sd yx JOIN THE GAME |= POO) vi. {a [DEE MEDIU. re HOT McCAFEℱ Roast K-Cup* Pods BREWED OR SPECIALTY COFFEE! 30 pk Redeemable of perticipeting Mibeoaid’s” resteurents i Conede. Pes 35 99 MCCAFE Premium Roast K-Cup” Pods 48 pk COMPLIMENTS Potato Chips or Extraaa! Flavour 2/$8 DORITOS Tortilla 7 7, Chips 200 g Chips 210-280 g RPL ire 2.69-2.99 ea re tt QUAKER Crispy Minis 100 g or Rice Cakes 127-199 g ETS hoe 3.49 ea Pa) COMPLIMENTS Soft Drinks or Carbonated Water 2 | wor & j o oe we WH COMPLIMENTS. TIM HORTONS Sparkling or Specialty Tea 20 pk FIZZY Water or MAXWELL HOUSE 503 mL or 1 Lor Roast & Ground Coffee 280-300 g 49 IMENTS 79* COMPLIMENTS ‘Snack Crackers 200-225 g VOORTMAN BAKERY Wafer Cookies 300 g 259 29 NESTLE Junior Bars 9 pk 9 DENTYNE or 9 675-25 g, TIC TAC TRIDENT Gum Mints 29 g or CADBURY Bottles 40-60 pk King Size Bars 66-90 g HERSHEY'S Halloween 30 pk or JOLLY RANCHER Candy 45 pk NESTLE Halloween 25 pk or HUBBA. BUBBA 72 pk 7? Went cs ented u/ 1 SMT Yell (ont hfe) DMN Re ee grees el ola

Latest flyers

rinks eae Mini Cans § se 6x Drinks 1.69 ea MONTELLIGR Carbonated EX: Natural Spring Water | whenyou Buy2 MONTELLIER Carbonated Natural cormeretor Spring Water 10x355 mL any flavour 5.99 ea MADE READ’ prerry pi ; a o Pa 249 ARAMEL NUT err QUAKER Dipps or Chewy 120-156 g MISS VICKIE'S Kettle Chips 190-200 g Ty Oey ad RED BULL " Energy Drinks COCA-COLA or PEPSI Soft 355ML4.29±a Drinks 6x710 mk NESTLE Carnation Hot Chocolate Rich NESCAFE Instant 2 and Creamy 25 g Coffee 100-170 g ESP Ae 7-10 pk 5.49 ea fa/PS eee 8.99 ea CHRISTIE Peek Freans 275-350 g, Dad's Cookies un Led 99 300-320 g or 9 CHRISTIE Family Size Crispers Family Size Snack Crackers 2408 350-354 g SKITTLES or STARBURST Candy and Gummies 151-191 TOBLERONE Family Bars 100 g 2/$5 DARE Candy 730-818 g LAY'S or RUFFLES 40 pk Halloween Chips GET PERSONALIZED OFFERS 59 snac °8 100 ¼s Ss Puen sn gd MCCAFE Premium Roast Coffee 340 g TTT Po ad 1 r 9 MCCAFE Premium Roast K-Cup* Pods Te\sTo'k) 12 pk ey ery cay mrt tr Ait a ed sd yx JOIN THE GAME |= POO) vi. {a [DEE MEDIU. re HOT McCAFEℱ Roast K-Cup* Pods BREWED OR SPECIALTY COFFEE! 30 pk Redeemable of perticipeting Mibeoaid’s” resteurents i Conede. Pes 35 99 MCCAFE Premium Roast K-Cup” Pods 48 pk COMPLIMENTS Potato Chips or Extraaa! Flavour 2/$8 DORITOS Tortilla 7 7, Chips 200 g Chips 210-280 g RPL ire 2.69-2.99 ea re tt QUAKER Crispy Minis 100 g or Rice Cakes 127-199 g ETS hoe 3.49 ea Pa) COMPLIMENTS Soft Drinks or Carbonated Water 2 | wor & j o oe we WH COMPLIMENTS. TIM HORTONS Sparkling or Specialty Tea 20 pk FIZZY Water or MAXWELL HOUSE 503 mL or 1 Lor Roast & Ground Coffee 280-300 g 49 IMENTS 79* COMPLIMENTS ‘Snack Crackers 200-225 g VOORTMAN BAKERY Wafer Cookies 300 g 259 29 NESTLE Junior Bars 9 pk 9 DENTYNE or 9 675-25 g, TIC TAC TRIDENT Gum Mints 29 g or CADBURY Bottles 40-60 pk King Size Bars 66-90 g HERSHEY'S Halloween 30 pk or JOLLY RANCHER Candy 45 pk NESTLE Halloween 25 pk or HUBBA. BUBBA 72 pk 7? Went cs ented u/ 1 SMT Yell (ont hfe) DMN Re ee grees el ola

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