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Current flyer Safeway - Halloween - Valid from 27.10 to 02.11 - Page nb 13

Flyer Safeway 27.10.2022 - 02.11.2022

Products in this flyer

ome & pet care | | I ona ele ys Pre na PEDIGREE NATURE'S COMPLIMENTS Dentastix 9 99 WHISKAS Dry Cat 14 9 RECIPE Dry Dog 2/83 Wet Dog Food 1099 without Dog Treats Food 1.5-2 kg Food 1.8 kg 100g Cars = 553-608 g Pree) a CLOROX Disinfecting pete ieeder et 5 when you buy 2 ‘Wet Mop Cloth 6x12 pk or COMPLIMENTS. 49 Disinfecting Spray 9 FLEECY Fabric 2. PALMOLIVE : Dishwashing lemongrass mandarin Softener 2.6 L or Dishwashing Soap ~ Soap 739 mL 6x473 mL Sheets 120 pk 591-828 mt hee 2/38 ie 2:99 00 | % y CHARMIN Bathroom Tissue 8=24 rolls, BOUNTY Paper Towels 436 rolls or ENERGIZER MAX Napkins 400 pk or % Batteries AA 99 CABOO Bath 99 BEST BUY 99 © or Aaa Tissue 9 Bath Tissue COMPLIMENTS off selected double rolls 24 Double Rolls Aluminum Foil 50 ft Pa) COLGATE Maxfresh AXE Deodorant Spray Care or 6 49 DEGREE Dry Spray 107g 2 Toothpaste 52-95 mL 7 ALWAYS or TAMPAX 9 76-85 g, Bi or Toothbrush 1 pk Period Care 113 g of selected 20-120 pk selected bp 4 iz é OLAY ¢ a) Body Wash 473 mi. Ss Bere s) 0 ar * when you buy 2 { ‘ OLAY Body Lotion LOREAL Wonder PANTENE Hair Care Water 200-887 ml. 49 99 or Styling Products 99 or COLGATE Total 99 COMPLIMENTS. LISTERINE 180-375 mL or Clean Mint 3 pk Denture Cleaner 140-397 g selected 1L selected 96-108 pk The when you any buy 2 Pom 0] 0) Pr al PAMPERS PAMPERS 99 Training Pants 99 Super Pack 99 9 COMPLIMENTS or Ninjamas Diapers NESTLE Gerber Club Pack Baby 34-74 pk 42-120 pk Cereal 227 g Wipes 900 pk Only available at Pharmacy Locations NICORETTE Gum or Lozenges 80-105 pk, Quick Mist or Nicoderm Patches 7 pk selected, PEPCID Heartburn Relief 25-30 pk, TYLENOL Pain Relief 80-150 pk or MOTRIN 400 mg Liquid Gel 60 Pk’, TYLENOL, BENYLIN or SINUTAB Cough, Cold and Sinus selected’ aaa es XT Poa to} Oi) CIrererL ing) = st x % 9 CONTOUR Blood - ‘© POLYSPORIN Glucose Test off selected 30g Strips 100 pk > SUC] AOL 0 ac irate zat Peg be} eo Prerer ng)

Latest flyers

ome & pet care | | I ona ele ys Pre na PEDIGREE NATURE'S COMPLIMENTS Dentastix 9 99 WHISKAS Dry Cat 14 9 RECIPE Dry Dog 2/83 Wet Dog Food 1099 without Dog Treats Food 1.5-2 kg Food 1.8 kg 100g Cars = 553-608 g Pree) a CLOROX Disinfecting pete ieeder et 5 when you buy 2 ‘Wet Mop Cloth 6x12 pk or COMPLIMENTS. 49 Disinfecting Spray 9 FLEECY Fabric 2. PALMOLIVE : Dishwashing lemongrass mandarin Softener 2.6 L or Dishwashing Soap ~ Soap 739 mL 6x473 mL Sheets 120 pk 591-828 mt hee 2/38 ie 2:99 00 | % y CHARMIN Bathroom Tissue 8=24 rolls, BOUNTY Paper Towels 436 rolls or ENERGIZER MAX Napkins 400 pk or % Batteries AA 99 CABOO Bath 99 BEST BUY 99 © or Aaa Tissue 9 Bath Tissue COMPLIMENTS off selected double rolls 24 Double Rolls Aluminum Foil 50 ft Pa) COLGATE Maxfresh AXE Deodorant Spray Care or 6 49 DEGREE Dry Spray 107g 2 Toothpaste 52-95 mL 7 ALWAYS or TAMPAX 9 76-85 g, Bi or Toothbrush 1 pk Period Care 113 g of selected 20-120 pk selected bp 4 iz é OLAY ¢ a) Body Wash 473 mi. Ss Bere s) 0 ar * when you buy 2 { ‘ OLAY Body Lotion LOREAL Wonder PANTENE Hair Care Water 200-887 ml. 49 99 or Styling Products 99 or COLGATE Total 99 COMPLIMENTS. LISTERINE 180-375 mL or Clean Mint 3 pk Denture Cleaner 140-397 g selected 1L selected 96-108 pk The when you any buy 2 Pom 0] 0) Pr al PAMPERS PAMPERS 99 Training Pants 99 Super Pack 99 9 COMPLIMENTS or Ninjamas Diapers NESTLE Gerber Club Pack Baby 34-74 pk 42-120 pk Cereal 227 g Wipes 900 pk Only available at Pharmacy Locations NICORETTE Gum or Lozenges 80-105 pk, Quick Mist or Nicoderm Patches 7 pk selected, PEPCID Heartburn Relief 25-30 pk, TYLENOL Pain Relief 80-150 pk or MOTRIN 400 mg Liquid Gel 60 Pk’, TYLENOL, BENYLIN or SINUTAB Cough, Cold and Sinus selected’ aaa es XT Poa to} Oi) CIrererL ing) = st x % 9 CONTOUR Blood - ‘© POLYSPORIN Glucose Test off selected 30g Strips 100 pk > SUC] AOL 0 ac irate zat Peg be} eo Prerer ng)

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