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Current flyer Jean Coutu - Valid from 10.11 to 16.11 - Page nb 4

Flyer Jean Coutu 10.11.2022 - 16.11.2022

Products in this flyer

1 ner) rls PAMPERS si Lingettes sĂ©lectionnĂ©es Selected wipes 576,720 PAMPERS Couches sĂ©lectionnĂ©es Selected diapers: Tees de pingouins en = _ SOPHIE LA GIRAFE ESTLE peluches sĂ©tectionnĂ©es a Jouets sĂ©lectiont Bon DĂ©part Selected plush penguin heads z Selected toys ‘TĂ©tines -_ 4611 } sĂ©lectionnĂ©es a be had ‘Selected — n DĂ©par nipples teething accessories ‘at 457109 *_ aly": i A U = er pack PAKO| =— lesaemboter | [5 Sm mK Tea) Interlocking beads = o4t a Conennses am 454851 — pour bebe sĂ©lectionĂ©es Selected baby blankets 457408, 457441 Âą ABAL 7 , f a Af e 6 Assiettes de repas en silicone ch. ch. i ‘ch. | pour bĂ©bĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©es 1 a. ©, = a. ‘Selected silicone meal plates for babies ea. keiles Selected single ‘De. SAcee „ L wt AUZOU Coffrets de bijoux ou bracelets sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected jewelry and bracelet sets BLY ATTITUDE DĂ©tergents _Alessive sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected HERTEL Nettoyant mutt id |RABAIS| : sTupI0 530, = ey} ex oo tout face Multi surface leaner 1AL laundry | arntuoe detergents a LAY-DOH BIOVERT Pte & modeler sĂ©lectionnĂ©e guide a Select ling clay vaisselle Nettoyants 112g (402) Dishwashing | _roner, pour cuvette 411380 liquid s sĂ©lectionnĂ©s. 700 mi Selected toilet bow! cleaners 2xd8g MIEUX-ETRE CADBURY fini, | Chocolat Tablettes de biologique beige chocolat de aulait format familial Belgian organic sĂ©lectionnĂ©es milk chocolate Selected RITTER SPORT NATUR-A „ Chocolats sĂ©tectionnĂ©s | = joisson de soya ‘Selected chocolates, 1009 ‘Soy drink, 3 200 mi TERRY'S: naturelle Go. Natural spring arent water { a one za Biscuits thĂ© social Social tea biscuits, 25 g he ate cl ees 8 ey Ne ses ears. Th C had ny vary fx orion pachane, Products Gaptayng an AM MLESÂź Renard ses ctr NOVEMBER 10 to 16, 2022 4 oc

Latest flyers

1 ner) rls PAMPERS si Lingettes sĂ©lectionnĂ©es Selected wipes 576,720 PAMPERS Couches sĂ©lectionnĂ©es Selected diapers: Tees de pingouins en = _ SOPHIE LA GIRAFE ESTLE peluches sĂ©tectionnĂ©es a Jouets sĂ©lectiont Bon DĂ©part Selected plush penguin heads z Selected toys ‘TĂ©tines -_ 4611 } sĂ©lectionnĂ©es a be had ‘Selected — n DĂ©par nipples teething accessories ‘at 457109 *_ aly": i A U = er pack PAKO| =— lesaemboter | [5 Sm mK Tea) Interlocking beads = o4t a Conennses am 454851 — pour bebe sĂ©lectionĂ©es Selected baby blankets 457408, 457441 Âą ABAL 7 , f a Af e 6 Assiettes de repas en silicone ch. ch. i ‘ch. | pour bĂ©bĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©es 1 a. ©, = a. ‘Selected silicone meal plates for babies ea. keiles Selected single ‘De. SAcee „ L wt AUZOU Coffrets de bijoux ou bracelets sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected jewelry and bracelet sets BLY ATTITUDE DĂ©tergents _Alessive sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected HERTEL Nettoyant mutt id |RABAIS| : sTupI0 530, = ey} ex oo tout face Multi surface leaner 1AL laundry | arntuoe detergents a LAY-DOH BIOVERT Pte & modeler sĂ©lectionnĂ©e guide a Select ling clay vaisselle Nettoyants 112g (402) Dishwashing | _roner, pour cuvette 411380 liquid s sĂ©lectionnĂ©s. 700 mi Selected toilet bow! cleaners 2xd8g MIEUX-ETRE CADBURY fini, | Chocolat Tablettes de biologique beige chocolat de aulait format familial Belgian organic sĂ©lectionnĂ©es milk chocolate Selected RITTER SPORT NATUR-A „ Chocolats sĂ©tectionnĂ©s | = joisson de soya ‘Selected chocolates, 1009 ‘Soy drink, 3 200 mi TERRY'S: naturelle Go. Natural spring arent water { a one za Biscuits thĂ© social Social tea biscuits, 25 g he ate cl ees 8 ey Ne ses ears. Th C had ny vary fx orion pachane, Products Gaptayng an AM MLESÂź Renard ses ctr NOVEMBER 10 to 16, 2022 4 oc

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