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Current flyer London Drugs - Valid from 14.10 to 30.04 - Page nb 7

Flyer London Drugs 14.10.2022 - 30.04.2023

Products in this flyer

TRUSTED SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR MEDICINE CABINET YLENOL . # » # BENYLIN DOCTOR & PHARMACIST SELLING . RECOMMENDED BRAND* COUGH BRAND Extra Strength TYLENOL COLD 2 SINUS Cough eum <a Complete 20 Peed Contains Acetaminophen and other Ingredients AST mente ck Extra Strength * Wet Cough py * Dry Hacking Cough eae 2. Scratchy Throat * Chest Congestion * Nasal Congestion * Sore Throat Pain E IT a hs SO : 100 mL SYRUP *2021 IQVIA Study. tCough Need State, L52W PE May 28" 2022. Based on Nielsen $ Volume sold. To be sure any TYLENOL® or BENYLIN® product is right for you, always read and follow the label. IMPORTANT: Take ONLY ONE medicine containing acetaminophen at a time. © Johnson & Johnson Inc. 2022

Latest flyers

TRUSTED SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR MEDICINE CABINET YLENOL . # » # BENYLIN DOCTOR & PHARMACIST SELLING . RECOMMENDED BRAND* COUGH BRAND Extra Strength TYLENOL COLD 2 SINUS Cough eum <a Complete 20 Peed Contains Acetaminophen and other Ingredients AST mente ck Extra Strength * Wet Cough py * Dry Hacking Cough eae 2. Scratchy Throat * Chest Congestion * Nasal Congestion * Sore Throat Pain E IT a hs SO : 100 mL SYRUP *2021 IQVIA Study. tCough Need State, L52W PE May 28" 2022. Based on Nielsen $ Volume sold. To be sure any TYLENOL® or BENYLIN® product is right for you, always read and follow the label. IMPORTANT: Take ONLY ONE medicine containing acetaminophen at a time. © Johnson & Johnson Inc. 2022

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