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Current flyer Uniprix - Valid from 24.11 to 30.11 - Page nb 4

Flyer Uniprix 24.11.2022 - 30.11.2022

Products in this flyer

SANTE ET BEAUTE NEXXUS MĂ©langes de protĂ©ines crĂ©Ă©es en salon ATTITUDE Produits corporels sains, vĂ©gans et fabriquĂ©s ic! DECOUVREZ NEXXUS’ PRESERVEZ ET PROTEGEZ LES PROTEINES. NATUREILES DE VOS CHEVEUK ‘AVEC LES MEANGES PROTEINFUSION NEXXUS | yp 10°? ‘Shompooing ou reviosont ‘Shampoo or condtioner, 400 mi HSK ‘TRESEMME Shampooing ou eviisont PRO PURE Shampoo or contoner Produ coptaies INNOVATION 355 mi ns Shompooing ou Shompooing seo Selected hat cove ‘evtolsont Dry shampoo, 122 9 Shampoo oF Tate eater, 175 ml 180 ml oul 473 mt condone, 500 mt 64? 629 2) ya CrĂ©me 6 mains DrTealy-~. Hand cream, 88,5 mi Dove 77, wenrne one Pure Epsom Salt a ‘Bombes pout le bain Dove = PUMICE | Gam dons, 2X79 9 DR TEAES Bin moussant Fooming bath 1. Sel Epsom pur 3D WHITE, PRO-SANTE ‘Pea Gaon oot Dentrices selections’ Selected 1,36 49 COLGATE 499 logos, 6310 a Denies sĂ©letionnĂ©s Brosses 0 dents sĂ©lectlonnĂ©es Selected toothposes, 70 mt ‘Selected toombrushes Qe Caprina = silecionnĂ©y Selected — 208 Q fin Prose = Gas ros Shving gos 2x1989 ee oun spice stove, ouETTE AesesoqeAtesion THERIPELTOUE ; 186 mi AnssutensqulAnpespran, & 2/ $ oe Q9 tion : 99 wg swe OSTY Poin’Bor, 141 g DĂ©odorant Deodorant, 73 g ouor85 g = LOREAL: Reel aan PARIS TRIPLE POWER LZR’ f ] lane LA ROUTINE ANTI-AGE OLAY sPectionnĂ©es: = Dove VALIDEE PAR LES DERMATOLOGUES OLAY ‘CLEANSE, ae ry OLA RE) | isa _ DOVE =e = Il QS seer ‘Hand soap Ne ‘Selected focal care 88,5 mi — ‘oy cleansing products 729 sn. BY \\ |! 202 % @ 3

Latest flyers

SANTE ET BEAUTE NEXXUS MĂ©langes de protĂ©ines crĂ©Ă©es en salon ATTITUDE Produits corporels sains, vĂ©gans et fabriquĂ©s ic! DECOUVREZ NEXXUS’ PRESERVEZ ET PROTEGEZ LES PROTEINES. NATUREILES DE VOS CHEVEUK ‘AVEC LES MEANGES PROTEINFUSION NEXXUS | yp 10°? ‘Shompooing ou reviosont ‘Shampoo or condtioner, 400 mi HSK ‘TRESEMME Shampooing ou eviisont PRO PURE Shampoo or contoner Produ coptaies INNOVATION 355 mi ns Shompooing ou Shompooing seo Selected hat cove ‘evtolsont Dry shampoo, 122 9 Shampoo oF Tate eater, 175 ml 180 ml oul 473 mt condone, 500 mt 64? 629 2) ya CrĂ©me 6 mains DrTealy-~. Hand cream, 88,5 mi Dove 77, wenrne one Pure Epsom Salt a ‘Bombes pout le bain Dove = PUMICE | Gam dons, 2X79 9 DR TEAES Bin moussant Fooming bath 1. Sel Epsom pur 3D WHITE, PRO-SANTE ‘Pea Gaon oot Dentrices selections’ Selected 1,36 49 COLGATE 499 logos, 6310 a Denies sĂ©letionnĂ©s Brosses 0 dents sĂ©lectlonnĂ©es Selected toothposes, 70 mt ‘Selected toombrushes Qe Caprina = silecionnĂ©y Selected — 208 Q fin Prose = Gas ros Shving gos 2x1989 ee oun spice stove, ouETTE AesesoqeAtesion THERIPELTOUE ; 186 mi AnssutensqulAnpespran, & 2/ $ oe Q9 tion : 99 wg swe OSTY Poin’Bor, 141 g DĂ©odorant Deodorant, 73 g ouor85 g = LOREAL: Reel aan PARIS TRIPLE POWER LZR’ f ] lane LA ROUTINE ANTI-AGE OLAY sPectionnĂ©es: = Dove VALIDEE PAR LES DERMATOLOGUES OLAY ‘CLEANSE, ae ry OLA RE) | isa _ DOVE =e = Il QS seer ‘Hand soap Ne ‘Selected focal care 88,5 mi — ‘oy cleansing products 729 sn. BY \\ |! 202 % @ 3

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