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Current flyer Walmart - Valid from 22.09 to 28.09 - Page nb 1

Flyer Walmart 22.09.2022 - 28.09.2022

Products in this flyer

Rela PRICES Dee Cage tues Canada No. 1. 4.54 Perey yy aA Me eee eee CEoebers) 4.34 eg, Save 3531, me Tee u Walmart is the Fs | place to save on groceries ed rg fe ca fot a) aero Sa ioe a Res Se 320 Vis 410 ices ire) Tae kris {| eae eee ory F eed i ~ = Lucky Charms or Cinnamon Toast Crunch Family Size Cereal Purex Bathroom Tissue “Was 6.47 Wes 19.47 Folgers Ground Coffee #9280830. Was 11.67

Rela PRICES Dee Cage tues Canada No. 1. 4.54 Perey yy aA Me eee eee CEoebers) 4.34 eg, Save 3531, me Tee u Walmart is the Fs | place to save on groceries ed rg fe ca fot a) aero Sa ioe a Res Se 320 Vis 410 ices ire) Tae kris {| eae eee ory F eed i ~ = Lucky Charms or Cinnamon Toast Crunch Family Size Cereal Purex Bathroom Tissue “Was 6.47 Wes 19.47 Folgers Ground Coffee #9280830. Was 11.67

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