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Current flyer Btrust Supermarket - Valid from 28.02 to 06.03 - Page nb 1

Flyer Btrust Supermarket 28.02.2025 - 06.03.2025

Products in this flyer

Nd 4-4: Prat Aso Osta) {si=terb Btrust Supermarket North York | @ Mon-Sun: 8am - 9:30pm MIG UE—SMG): RSW - RIEESOD ra sunt SUNRISE TofuSeries Mi ie eg! 7.99/28 * (jor sae 45) 7009 Zoe UU os oie Shrimp 20/30 in aed b Rs FM SURMISE 20/30 Jumbo. Shrimp;shao Mai S8iR TARA 320g D ies pc > FEE (OMERO ‘orn Tortillas ROMERO TEKH : D or: Lion King /Billy Bee S248 eo Rag.4 kg OASIS — LP. Juice and Smoothie ann > r 3. 7 5 4 1.99) on Rit Hh pegit59 j Reg. (Gane a AA-1 | aS, Winter Melon Mackerel in CaniSel COE 2M AZ| sae IG = i’ Be > ua © china $2.:16/kg = 425g Witaig | SAC e A a = 798) Gig aay y — OM peg. 439ede =| eg, 2.99 GRAY! RIDGEL 3 Orah Mandariny White Extra targe Eggs KH GRAY RIDGE XBR China 4.158 /kg l2pcs Grape Tomato} \ ona} io ¢ } PFrozen squids Sunset ii 0) 5 \ 2D SE BASS | Reg. 7-99 Kare Re Canado | i Reg que $3.48/kg A $15.39/kg Tel: 416-245-8858 | Address: 1105 Wilson Ave, North York, ON M3M1H2

Latest flyers

Nd 4-4: Prat Aso Osta) {si=terb Btrust Supermarket North York | @ Mon-Sun: 8am - 9:30pm MIG UE—SMG): RSW - RIEESOD ra sunt SUNRISE TofuSeries Mi ie eg! 7.99/28 * (jor sae 45) 7009 Zoe UU os oie Shrimp 20/30 in aed b Rs FM SURMISE 20/30 Jumbo. Shrimp;shao Mai S8iR TARA 320g D ies pc > FEE (OMERO ‘orn Tortillas ROMERO TEKH : D or: Lion King /Billy Bee S248 eo Rag.4 kg OASIS — LP. Juice and Smoothie ann > r 3. 7 5 4 1.99) on Rit Hh pegit59 j Reg. (Gane a AA-1 | aS, Winter Melon Mackerel in CaniSel COE 2M AZ| sae IG = i’ Be > ua © china $2.:16/kg = 425g Witaig | SAC e A a = 798) Gig aay y — OM peg. 439ede =| eg, 2.99 GRAY! RIDGEL 3 Orah Mandariny White Extra targe Eggs KH GRAY RIDGE XBR China 4.158 /kg l2pcs Grape Tomato} \ ona} io ¢ } PFrozen squids Sunset ii 0) 5 \ 2D SE BASS | Reg. 7-99 Kare Re Canado | i Reg que $3.48/kg A $15.39/kg Tel: 416-245-8858 | Address: 1105 Wilson Ave, North York, ON M3M1H2

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