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Current flyer BMR - Valid from 06.02 to 12.02 - Page nb 1

Flyer BMR 06.02.2025 - 12.02.2025

Products in this flyer

ST ee et) aN SV 27 EA/CH UGG. RETAIL/PAIX Suge. O*® ECO-FRIENDLY LOGS 100% chemical-free hardwood. 25,000 BTU/log. BOCHES ECOLOGIQUES 100 % bois franc sans produits chimiques. 25 000 BTU/biche. 065-4005 24 Ib SN SY aE yr 5 Q Sana yA ‘ yA ie Fe 7 oe ae 97 ~ KIT/VENS g 98 5 a 5 98 SUGG. RETAIL /PRIX suse. 13) i ee SUGG. RETAIL /PAIX suas. 49 PREMIUM ICE MELTER Se SNOW SHOVEL SET Effective down to -35 °C. K 18-in. snow shovel and 21-in. DEGLAGANT «PREMIUM» ry snow pusher. Wood handle. Efficace jusqu’a -35 °C 4 ENSEMBLE DE PELLES A NEIGE 001-3809 9kg 9 Pelle a neige de 18 po et gratte de 21 po. Manche en bois. 001-3201 al. Style - Without © ® Compromise “ALLIE” KITCHEN FAUCET “SMARA” VANITY “KILONA” KITCHEN SINK ROBINET DE CUISINE «ALLIED | MEUBLE-LAVABO«SMARA» —_EVIER «KILONA» sues, reTarL/Patx sues. 119% suce. reTAIL/ PAIX suce. 749° SUGG. RETAIL /PRIX SUGG. 389% 001-4676. 002-3176 002-0808 i ogsis vad on February 10. tt, 2026.1 a shovel set and 8+ ir ter valid on Februar 12 and 13,2025. The offers are va in PARTICIPATING STORES and online at Selection, suggested very by store, for information ony White pr ors may have sippedin. this the case, customers wil be notified by writen noice pasted inal stores fer ai hile stoks st, and e reserve th ih to it quent. The ies fortis pronation ren Creda, te onthe axes and ae cashed cary. he protons ints er cant be comined with any ote pranoton

Latest flyers

ST ee et) aN SV 27 EA/CH UGG. RETAIL/PAIX Suge. O*® ECO-FRIENDLY LOGS 100% chemical-free hardwood. 25,000 BTU/log. BOCHES ECOLOGIQUES 100 % bois franc sans produits chimiques. 25 000 BTU/biche. 065-4005 24 Ib SN SY aE yr 5 Q Sana yA ‘ yA ie Fe 7 oe ae 97 ~ KIT/VENS g 98 5 a 5 98 SUGG. RETAIL /PRIX suse. 13) i ee SUGG. RETAIL /PAIX suas. 49 PREMIUM ICE MELTER Se SNOW SHOVEL SET Effective down to -35 °C. K 18-in. snow shovel and 21-in. DEGLAGANT «PREMIUM» ry snow pusher. Wood handle. Efficace jusqu’a -35 °C 4 ENSEMBLE DE PELLES A NEIGE 001-3809 9kg 9 Pelle a neige de 18 po et gratte de 21 po. Manche en bois. 001-3201 al. Style - Without © ® Compromise “ALLIE” KITCHEN FAUCET “SMARA” VANITY “KILONA” KITCHEN SINK ROBINET DE CUISINE «ALLIED | MEUBLE-LAVABO«SMARA» —_EVIER «KILONA» sues, reTarL/Patx sues. 119% suce. reTAIL/ PAIX suce. 749° SUGG. RETAIL /PRIX SUGG. 389% 001-4676. 002-3176 002-0808 i ogsis vad on February 10. tt, 2026.1 a shovel set and 8+ ir ter valid on Februar 12 and 13,2025. The offers are va in PARTICIPATING STORES and online at Selection, suggested very by store, for information ony White pr ors may have sippedin. this the case, customers wil be notified by writen noice pasted inal stores fer ai hile stoks st, and e reserve th ih to it quent. The ies fortis pronation ren Creda, te onthe axes and ae cashed cary. he protons ints er cant be comined with any ote pranoton

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