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Current flyer Co-op Food - Valid from 26.12 to 30.11 - Page nb 2

Flyer Co-op Food 26.12.2024 - 30.11.2025

Products in this flyer

CO-OP PRIVATE BRAND CROP PROTECTION Every year, Co-op expands its range of private brand crop protection products, offering growers the exceptional quality they expect from a trusted name. Co-op continues to introduce new products to its line, filling crucial LEGER EE Te NL Te ETe CR Co-op's private brand crop protection portfolio features various-stage herbicides, fungicides, surfactants, biostimulants and more. The comprehensive and continuously expanding selection of products is brought to the market to address the specific needs of growers we serve across our communities throughout Western Canada. Learn more about a selection of Co-op private brand crop protection products in this publication, and speak to your local Co-op Agro Team to find out what's best for your farm. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS RAP Na LA TA CR ENT BOLSTER®, BROTEXE, CONTEND! DO ET Allothers are trademarks of theil Ce le ACT) ÉTAT] 2| GROW LLLIOI IS LSIILI ENS LLIL LILI DLL SI SS

Latest flyers

CO-OP PRIVATE BRAND CROP PROTECTION Every year, Co-op expands its range of private brand crop protection products, offering growers the exceptional quality they expect from a trusted name. Co-op continues to introduce new products to its line, filling crucial LEGER EE Te NL Te ETe CR Co-op's private brand crop protection portfolio features various-stage herbicides, fungicides, surfactants, biostimulants and more. The comprehensive and continuously expanding selection of products is brought to the market to address the specific needs of growers we serve across our communities throughout Western Canada. Learn more about a selection of Co-op private brand crop protection products in this publication, and speak to your local Co-op Agro Team to find out what's best for your farm. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS RAP Na LA TA CR ENT BOLSTER®, BROTEXE, CONTEND! DO ET Allothers are trademarks of theil Ce le ACT) ÉTAT] 2| GROW LLLIOI IS LSIILI ENS LLIL LILI DLL SI SS

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