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Current flyer Co-op Food - Valid from 26.12 to 30.11 - Page nb 5

Flyer Co-op Food 26.12.2024 - 30.11.2025

Products in this flyer

. LUNA: À AA 7 AV \ CONVEX ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Carfentrazone and 2,4-D Ester 700 REGISTERED CROPS: Prior to seeding: barley, corn, rye, soybean, wheat (durum, spring, winter) GROUP: 4 & 14 APPLICATION RATE: 15 ml/acre of C-Zone + 205 ml/acre 2,4-D Ester. (80 acres/case) PACKAGING: 1.2 L C-ZONE® and 2 x 8.2 L 2,4-D Ester 700 RAINFAST: 1 hour KEY WEEDS CONTROLLED" + Annual sow thistle + Mustards (except dog mustard) + Narrow-leaved hawk's-beard + Common ragweed + Lamb's-quarters + Refer to product label for detailed rate and weed staging information PRO TIPS + Avoid Leaving spray solution in tank overnight + Do not use with products that will adjust pH of spray solution + Maintain continuous agitation + Clean tank with ammonia based product Effective on emerged and actively growing weeds only APPLICATION TIMING: Pre-seeding or up to 3 days after seeding TANK MIX OPTIONS: Glyphosate WATER VOLUME: Ground application 5-10 gal/acre (increased efficacy at 10 gal/acre) + Prickly lettuce + Redroot pigweed + Russian pigweed STORAGE: May be frozen TANK MIX ORDER: 1. C-Zone 2.2,4-D Ester 3. Glyphosate + Sweet clover (seedling) + Wild buckwheat + Wild radish CE LATTES

Latest flyers

. LUNA: À AA 7 AV \ CONVEX ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Carfentrazone and 2,4-D Ester 700 REGISTERED CROPS: Prior to seeding: barley, corn, rye, soybean, wheat (durum, spring, winter) GROUP: 4 & 14 APPLICATION RATE: 15 ml/acre of C-Zone + 205 ml/acre 2,4-D Ester. (80 acres/case) PACKAGING: 1.2 L C-ZONE® and 2 x 8.2 L 2,4-D Ester 700 RAINFAST: 1 hour KEY WEEDS CONTROLLED" + Annual sow thistle + Mustards (except dog mustard) + Narrow-leaved hawk's-beard + Common ragweed + Lamb's-quarters + Refer to product label for detailed rate and weed staging information PRO TIPS + Avoid Leaving spray solution in tank overnight + Do not use with products that will adjust pH of spray solution + Maintain continuous agitation + Clean tank with ammonia based product Effective on emerged and actively growing weeds only APPLICATION TIMING: Pre-seeding or up to 3 days after seeding TANK MIX OPTIONS: Glyphosate WATER VOLUME: Ground application 5-10 gal/acre (increased efficacy at 10 gal/acre) + Prickly lettuce + Redroot pigweed + Russian pigweed STORAGE: May be frozen TANK MIX ORDER: 1. C-Zone 2.2,4-D Ester 3. Glyphosate + Sweet clover (seedling) + Wild buckwheat + Wild radish CE LATTES

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