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Current flyer Jean Coutu - Valid from 01.09 to 07.09 - Page nb 7

Flyer Jean Coutu 01.09.2022 - 07.09.2022

Products in this flyer

Aubaines allĂ©chantes GHOCOLATE g ERE ee, eae CHocoLaTe a BARK teonces eg ECORCES x Tanase LINDT Lindor * Batonnet de chocolat au lait ‘Milk chocolate stick ow PRANA Collations sĂ©lectionnĂ©es Selected snacks ;< Eau reminĂ©ralsĂ©e eq pout y Remineralized water * Chocolats / Chocolates {0 — 124355 mi 9 STARBUCKS FREDDO Se SARA LEE eae TostiTos afĂ© moulu un e Bites Salsa Ground coffe Chocolk ) Muff 416 ml - 423 mi 1209-1609 2059-3009 9° GODIVA PLANTERS G Vv) * Chefs d’oeuvre = * Arachides grilĂ©es & sec Oe Vo Signature =< Dry roasted peanuts SIGNATURE SIGNATURE Tablettes 454 9,475.9 de chocolat ‘ MĂ©tange de noix Chocolate bars Mixed nuts, . 2009 =/ © | Boissons aromatisĂ©es a Flavour-enhanced drinks = 12x35 ml Ez anh hg EVIAN “ dus de fruits Fy re eau pĂ©tillante 7 Natural spring water Fruit juices sa Sparkling \ 750 ml ite “100% water inks / \ ORANGE are el OASIS: ARIZONA Jus / Juice ThĂ© glace ; 8x200mi ced tea ad ac Du 1 au 7 SEPTEMBRE 2022

Latest flyers

Aubaines allĂ©chantes GHOCOLATE g ERE ee, eae CHocoLaTe a BARK teonces eg ECORCES x Tanase LINDT Lindor * Batonnet de chocolat au lait ‘Milk chocolate stick ow PRANA Collations sĂ©lectionnĂ©es Selected snacks ;< Eau reminĂ©ralsĂ©e eq pout y Remineralized water * Chocolats / Chocolates {0 — 124355 mi 9 STARBUCKS FREDDO Se SARA LEE eae TostiTos afĂ© moulu un e Bites Salsa Ground coffe Chocolk ) Muff 416 ml - 423 mi 1209-1609 2059-3009 9° GODIVA PLANTERS G Vv) * Chefs d’oeuvre = * Arachides grilĂ©es & sec Oe Vo Signature =< Dry roasted peanuts SIGNATURE SIGNATURE Tablettes 454 9,475.9 de chocolat ‘ MĂ©tange de noix Chocolate bars Mixed nuts, . 2009 =/ © | Boissons aromatisĂ©es a Flavour-enhanced drinks = 12x35 ml Ez anh hg EVIAN “ dus de fruits Fy re eau pĂ©tillante 7 Natural spring water Fruit juices sa Sparkling \ 750 ml ite “100% water inks / \ ORANGE are el OASIS: ARIZONA Jus / Juice ThĂ© glace ; 8x200mi ced tea ad ac Du 1 au 7 SEPTEMBRE 2022

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